Chesnutt, Charles W.

Chesnutt, Charles W.

American writer
in full  Charles Waddell Chesnutt  
born June 20, 1858, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.
died Nov. 15, 1932, Cleveland

      first important black American novelist.

      Chesnutt was the son of free blacks who had left their native city of Fayetteville, N.C., prior to the American Civil War. Following the war his parents moved back to Fayetteville, where Chesnutt completed his education and began teaching. He was named assistant principal (187780) and then principal (188083) of State Colored Normal School (now Fayetteville State University), but he became so distressed about the treatment of blacks in the South that he moved his wife and children to Cleveland. He worked as a clerk-stenographer while becoming a practicing attorney and establishing a profitable legal stenography firm. In his spare moments he wrote stories.

      Between 1885 and 1905 Chesnutt published more than 50 tales, short stories, and essays, as well as two collections of short stories, a biography of the antislavery leader Frederick Douglass (Douglass, Frederick), and three novels. HisThe Goophered Grapevine,” the first work by a black accepted by The Atlantic Monthly (August 1887), was so subtle in its refutation of the plantation school of Thomas Nelson Page that most readers missed the irony. This and similarly authentic stories of folk life among the North Carolina blacks were collected in The Conjure Woman (1899). The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line (1899) examines colour prejudice among blacks as well as between the races in a manner reminiscent of George W. Cable (Cable, George W.). The Colonel's Dream (1905) dealt trenchantly with problems of the freed slave. A psychological realist, Chesnutt made use of familiar scenes of North Carolina folk life to protest social injustice.

      His works outranked any fiction written by blacks until the 1930s. Chesnutt's thematic use of the humanity of blacks and the contemporary inhumanity of man to man, black and white alike, anticipates the work of later writers as diverse as William Faulkner, Richard Wright (Wright, Richard), and James Baldwin (Baldwin, James).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Chesnutt, Charles (Waddell) — born June 20, 1858, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. died Nov. 15, 1932, Cleveland U.S. writer, the first important African American novelist. As a young school principal in North Carolina, he was so distressed by the treatment of African Americans that he… …   Universalium

  • Chesnutt, Charles (Waddell) — (20 jun. 1858, Cleveland, Ohio, EE.UU.–15 nov. 1932, Cleveland). Escritor estadounidense y primer novelista afroamericano importante. Mientras se desempeñaba como un joven director de colegio en Carolina del Norte, decidió trasladarse a Cleveland …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Charles W. Chesnutt — at the age of 40 Charles Waddell Chesnutt (June 20, 1858 – November 15, 1932) was an American author, essayist, political activist and lawyer, best known for his novels and short stories exploring complex issues of racial and social identity in… …   Wikipedia

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  • Charles W. Chesnutt — (1898) Charles Waddell Chesnutt (* 20. Juni 1858 in Cleveland, Ohio; † 15. November 1932 ebenda) war ein US amerikanischer Schriftsteller, Dichter, Essayist und früher Vertreter der afroamerikanischen Literatur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Chesnutt — ist der Name folgender Personen: Charles W. Chesnutt (1858–1932), US amerikanischer Schriftsteller, Dichter, Essayist und früher Vertreter der afroamerikanischen Literatur Cody ChesnuTT (* ????), US amerikanischer Soul Musiker Mark Chesnutt… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Chesnutt —   [ tʃesnʌt], Charles W. (Waddell), amerikanischer Schriftsteller, * Cleveland (Ohio) 20. 6. 1858, ✝ ebenda 15. 11. 1932; wird oft als der erste schwarze Romancier der USA angesehen; wendet sich an ein weißes Publikum, das er mit seiner… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Chesnutt — /ches neuht, nut/, n. Charles Waddell /wo del /, 1858 1932, U.S. short story writer and novelist. * * * …   Universalium

  • Chesnutt — /ches neuht, nut/, n. Charles Waddell /wo del /, 1858 1932, U.S. short story writer and novelist …   Useful english dictionary

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