Carmina Burana

Carmina Burana

medieval manuscript
German  Lieder Aus Beuern 

      13th-century manuscript that contains songs (the Carmina Burana proper) and six religious plays. The contents of the manuscript are attributed to the goliards (q.v.), wandering scholars and students in western Europe during the 10th to the 13th century who were known for their songs and poems in praise of revelry. The collection is also called the Benediktbeuern manuscript, because it was found (in 1803) at the Benedictine monastery in Benediktbeuern (from which burana is derived), Bavaria. The two parts of the manuscript, though written at the same time, have been separated. The songs, rhymed lyrics mainly in Latin with a few in German, vary in subject and style: there are drinking songs, serious and licentious love songs, religious poems, pastoral lyrics, and satires of church and government. Some of the poems were set to music by Carl Orff in his cantata Carmina Burana (1937).

      The plays, in Latin, include the only known two surviving complete texts of medieval Passion dramas. These are the Ludus breviter de Passione (“Play in Brief of the Passion”), a prologue to a Resurrection play, and a longer text, probably amplified from a play on St. Mary Magdalene's life and the raising of Lazarus. The other plays are an Easter play; an unusually comprehensive Christmas play; an enlarged Peregrinus, which treats Christ's first two appearances to the disciples; and Ludus de rege Aegypti (“Play of the King of Egypt”), formerly regarded as part of the Christmas play.

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