

      (Portuguese:songbook”), collection of Portuguese lyrics (cantigas (cantiga)) dating from the 12th century. The earliest examples of Portuguese-Galician poetry, composed from the 12th to the 14th century, were collected during the 14th and 15th centuries into three manuscript songbooks: the Cancioneiro da Ajuda, the Cancioneiro da Vaticana, and the Cancioneiro de Colocci-Brancuti (or da Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa). The 2,000 poems in these books can be classified by content into three major categories: (1) the cantigas de amigo, laments of women for their lovers, dealing with sad partings, grief, and patient waiting and containing descriptions of nature that are permeated with saudade, the melancholy tone characteristic of Portuguese poetry; (2) the cantigas de amor, in which the pining lover is a man; and (3) the cantigas de escárnio e maldizer, ribald satires on contemporary themes. There are also occasional religious songs extolling the miracles of the Virgin. The lyrics are attributed to some 200 poets, including the Portuguese king Dinis (d. 1325) and his illegitimate son Alfonso Sanches.

      The later Cancioneiro Geral (1516), compiled by Garcia de Resende (Resende, Garcia de), contains nearly 1,000 cantigas in Portuguese and Castilian. Dealing with love and satiric themes, the verses are more intricate and sophisticated than those in the earlier collections and show evidence of Spanish and Italian influence.

      Although the early Portuguese cantigas now seem unoriginal in idea and conventional in metrical form and expression, the poems contain examples of the rare musical qualities characteristic of later Portuguese lyrics.

      The Portuguese cantigas stimulated the development of Spanish lyrical poetry, collected into cancioneros (Spanish:songbooks”). Outstanding among them are the Cancionero de Baena (1445), a collection of 583 poems made by Juan Alfonso Baena that shows the influence of the Portuguese lyric but is more intellectual, using symbol, allegory, and classical allusion in the treatment of themes of high moral, philosophical, or political intent; and the Cancionero general (1511), a collection of late medieval lyrics made by Hernando del Castillo.

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