Resende, Garcia de

Resende, Garcia de

Portuguese poet
born c. 1470, Évora, Port.
died Feb. 3, 1536, Évora

      Portuguese poet, chronicler, and editor, whose life was spent in the service of the Portuguese court.

      Resende began to serve John II as a page at the age of 10, becoming his private secretary in 1491. He continued to enjoy royal favour under King Manuel and later under John III. In 1498 he accompanied Manuel to Castile and in 1514 went to Rome with the admiral Tristão da Cunha, as secretary and treasurer of the famous embassy sent by the king of Portugal to offer the tribute of the East at the feet of Pope Leo X.

      Resende's Crónica de D. Joao II (1545; “Chronicle of Don John II”), though largely taken from a work by Rui de Pina (c. 1440c. 1523), contains personal anecdotes that give it special interest. Much of his work provides insight into the social life and manners of the period. In the 300 stanzas of his Miscelânea (“Miscellany”), he surveys with wonder and prideand not without social criticismsome of the notable events (including Portuguese overseas exploration) of the age in which he lived. The Cancioneiro Geral (1516; “General Songbook”), a vast anthology edited by Resende that also contained compositions of his own, is the chief source of knowledge of late medieval Portuguese verse.

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