

      large herbivorous dinosaurs (dinosaur) found as fossils in western Europe and western North America that lived from the Late Jurassic (Jurassic Period) to the Early Cretaceous Period.

      Camptosaurus grew to a length of up to 6 metres (20 feet); juvenile skeletons have also been found. It had very strong hind limbs and smaller forelimbs that were strong enough to support the animal if it chose to progress on all fours, as it might have done while feeding.

      Camptosaurus was an ornithopod related to tenontosaurids and iguanodontids (Iguanodon). It had the distinctiveblockywrist of iguanodontids that facilitated four-legged progression. Nevertheless, the hand was also prehensile and could have grasped vegetation as it was feeding. The thumb was a small spur rather than the conelike spike developed in Iguanodon. In other respects, Camptosaurus was a fairly generalized iguanodontid. The skull was low, long, and massive, with long rows of broad leaf-shaped cheek teeth. A beaklike structure (probably covered by horny pads) was effective in getting plant material into the mouth, where it was cut by the cheek teeth. Camptosaurus lacked the deep dorsal spines of many other iguanodontids, and its claws were more normally curved and less hooflike than those of other iguanodontids and hadrosaurs.

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Universalium. 2010.

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