Brutus, Dennis

Brutus, Dennis

South African author
in full  Dennis Vincent Brutus  
born Nov. 28, 1924, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia [now Harare, Zimbabwe]

      poet whose works centre on his sufferings and those of his fellow blacks in South Africa.

      For 14 years Brutus taught English and Afrikaans in South Africa. As the white minority government increased restrictions on the black population, he became involved in a series of anti apartheid-related activities, including efforts to end discrimination in sports. The government subsequently banned him from teaching, writing, publishing, attending social or political meetings, and pursuing his studies in law at the University of the Witwatersrand. In 1963 his refusal to abide by the ban resulted in an 18-month prison term. His campaigns eventually led to South Africa's suspension from the 1964 Olympic Games. Due in part to Brutus's continued pressure on the International Olympic Committee, South Africa was later officially expelled from the Olympics and did not compete again until 1992.

      After leaving South Africa in 1966 with a Rhodesian passport, Brutus made his home in England and then taught at the University of Denver (Colorado, U.S.). In 1971 he became professor of African literature at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. In 1983, after engaging in a protracted legal struggle, he won the right to stay in the United States as a political refugee. Brutus accepted a position teaching African literature at the University of Pittsburgh in 1986. After his retirement from that position in 1999, he continued to lecture and write prolifically, often lending his talents to the various social causes championed by the Centre for Civil Society at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa.

      Brutus's first collection of poetry, Sirens, Knuckles and Boots (1963), was published in Nigeria while he was in prison. His verse, while political in nature, is highly developed and restrained: “. . . all our land is scarred with terror / rendered unlovely and unlovable; / sundered are we and all our passionate surrender / but somehow tenderness survives” (fromSomehow We Survive”). Even in Letters to Martha and Other Poems from a South African Prison (1968), which records his experiences of misery and loneliness as a political prisoner, Brutus exhibits a restrained artistic control and combines tenderness with anger.

      China Poems, written when Brutus visited China as vice president of the South African Table Tennis Board in 1973 but published in 1975, contains a series of short poems paying homage to chüeh-chü, a Chinese verse form. The poems in Salutes and Censures (1982) constitute Brutus's most explicit and forceful work; the collection juxtaposes drawings and newspaper clippings with verse indicting the brutality of apartheid. Later works such as Airs and Tributes (1989), Still the Sirens (1993), and Leafdrift (2005) continue in the protest vein, punctuated by acknowledgment of the achievements in the struggle against racism.

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