Brown, Lancelot

Brown, Lancelot

English landscape architect
byname  Capability Brown  
born 1715, Kirkharle, Northumberland, Eng.
died Feb. 6, 1783, London
 the foremost English master of garden design, whose works were characterized by their natural, unplanned appearance.

      Beginning work as a gardener's boy in Northumberland, in 1742 Brown obtained a post at Stowe, Buckinghamshire, one of the most talked of gardens of the day. His duties included showing the grounds to visitors, thus giving him a chance to make himself known to the nobility who were to be his clients. For some years he worked at Stowe under the broad direction of the landscape architect William Kent. After Kent's death, he set up as a garden designer and by 1753 was the leadingimprover of groundsin England. His first achievement was a lake at Wakefield Lodge for the Duke of Grafton; it was so successful that he was summoned to alter the park of the famous Blenheim Palace at Woodstock. There he created the masterly lakes beside the architect John Vanbrugh's bridge and almost totally erased the earlier geometric plantations. His practice led him into architecture in order to ensure the unity of his designs, and he became a competent architect in the classical mode of the day.

      The means that Brown used were natural: he employed neither carved stone nor architectural shapes but limited himself to turf; mirrors of still water; a few species of trees used singly, in clumps, or in loose belts; and the undulations of the ground. With these he made simple harmonious patterns without obvious symmetry. These elements are well illustrated in the park and lake at Petworth House in West Sussex, which Brown landscaped over the years from about 1751 to 1757.

      Brown's style is often thought of as the antithesis of the style of André Le Nôtre (Le Nôtre, André), designer of the splendid formal gardens of Versailles, Fr., because Brown made use of the nature of the ground whereas Le Nôtre imposed an architectural pattern on nature. Nevertheless, they had in common an eye for proportion and a noble sense of scale, and both linked their creations with the outside world. Brown's designs were adapted to the society he served, which was totally unlike the authoritarian regime of the 17th-century monarchies. English gentlemen did not maintain courts; they lived privately on their country estates and liked to see their domains from their windows and to ride about them. Brown's nickname arose from his habit of saying that a place hadcapabilities.” By the time he died, he was rich and honoured and hadimproveda greater acreage of ground than any landscape architect had done before or has done since.

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