Le Nôtre, André

Le Nôtre, André
born March 12, 1613, Paris, France
died Sept. 15, 1700, Paris

French landscape architect.

In 1637 he succeeded his father as master gardener to Louis XIII at the Tuileries Palace in Paris; he redesigned its gardens and extended the main avenue that later became the Champs-Élysées. Louis XIV placed him in charge of planning the gardens at the Palace of Versailles, which Le Nôtre transformed from a muddy swamp to a park of splendid vistas. He designed numerous other parks and gardens in France, including those at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Saint-Cloud, and Fontainebleau, and probably St. James's Park in London. His designs later influenced Pierre-Charles L'Enfant.

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French landscape architect

born March 12, 1613, Paris, Fr.
died Sept. 15, 1700, Paris
 one of the greatest French landscape architects, his masterpiece being the gardens of Versailles. (Versailles, Palace of)

      Le Nôtre grew up in an atmosphere of technical expertise; his father, Jean Le Nôtre, was the master gardener of King Louis XIII at the Tuileries. At the studio of painter François Vouet he studied the laws of perspective and optics, which he meticulously followed in his plans, and from François Mansart (Mansart, François), uncle of Jules Hardouin-Mansart, the principal architect of Versailles, he learned the principles of architecture. Succeeding his father (1637), Le Nôtre redesigned the Tuileries gardens, revealing his genius for expansive vistas. He continued the main avenue, later called the Champs-Élysées, as far as the eye could see.

      Le Nôtre was subsequently named to a succession of official posts. For finance minister Nicolas Fouquet he designed the château grounds of Vaux-le-Vicomte, near Melun (165661), suiting his layout to the relief of the ground. He extended from the parterres great blocks of trees, contracting progressively to accentuate the perspective, and related them to fountains, waterworks, and statuary, obtaining the maximum reflection by attention to water levels. So delighted with the result was Louis (Louis XIV) that he charged Le Nôtre with planning the gardens at Versailles, where the grounds covered more than 15,000 acres (6,000 hectares). Transforming a muddy swamp into a park of magnificent vistas, he extended and enhanced the architecture of the palace, and his monumental style reflected and heightened the splendour of Louis XIV's court.

      Le Nôtre's other designs include the gardens of the Trianon, Saint-Cloud, and Chantilly and the parks of Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Fontainebleau. His genius was in demand throughout the capitals of Europe. He visited London (1662), where he is believed to have been responsible for St. James's Park, and Italy (1679). His students and collaborators, working in Germany, Austria, and Spain, spread his style of landscape planning and garden design across the European continent. A century later Pierre-Charles L'Enfant's (L'Enfant, Pierre-Charles) plan for the U.S. capital at Washington, D.C., was influenced by Le Nôtre's design for the grounds of Versailles.

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