Brandes, Georg

Brandes, Georg

Danish writer
in full  Georg Morris Cohen Brandes  
born Feb. 4, 1842, Copenhagen, Den.
died Feb. 19, 1927, Copenhagen
 Danish critic and scholar who, from 1870 through the turn of the century, exerted an enormous influence on the Scandinavian literary world.

      Born into a Jewish family, Brandes graduated from the University of Copenhagen in 1864. He was influenced by the French critics Hippolyte Taine and Ernest Renan and by the English political philosopher John Stuart Mill, all of whom he had met in Paris during his European travels (186571). Brandes conceived it his mission to liberate Denmark from its cultural isolation and provincialism. He brought the liberal political and cultural trends of western Europe to his countrymen with the zeal of a reformer.

      In 1871 he began a series of lectures at the University of Copenhagen, published as Hovedstrømninger i det 19de aarhundredes litteratur, 6 vol. (187290; Main Currents in 19th Century Literature). In these lectures, which catalyzed the breakthrough to realism in Danish literature, Brandes called for writers to reject the fantasy and abstract idealism of late Romanticism and instead work in the service of progressive ideas and the reform of modern society. He became a friend of the Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen, who charged him to lead the revolution of the spirit for which he himself was fighting. Brandes also befriended and championed such other important Scandinavian writers as B.M. Bjørnson, Jens Peter Jacobsen, Jonas Lie, Alexander Kielland, and August Strindberg. He thus became a principal leader of the naturalist movement in Scandinavian literature. Though Brandes gained a following among the Copenhagen liberal intelligentsia, he was strongly opposed by conservative countrymen, who attacked him as being anatheist Jew.” Disappointed at being denied the professorship of aesthetics at the University of Copenhagen, Brandes settled in Berlin (187783).

      Brandes wrote many scholarly studies illustrating his radical ideas, including monographs on the Danish religious philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, the German socialist leader Ferdinand Lassalle, and the Danish playwright Ludvig Holberg. Notable among his critical works are Det moderne gjennembruds mænd (1883; “Men of the Modern Breakthrough”; i.e., his own followers) and Danske digtere (1877; “Danish Poets”).

      In the late 1880s, influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche, Brandes developed a philosophy of aristocratic radicalism, expressed in Aristokratisk radicalisne (1889) and also in his later biographies of William Shakespeare, J.W. von Goethe, Voltaire, Julius Caesar, and Michelangelo. Though Brandes returned to Denmark in 1902 as professor at the University of Copenhagen, he remained a controversial figure. He never lacked the courage to denounce tyranny and reaction, and such works as Sagnet om Jesus (1925; Jesus, a Myth) made him many enemies.

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  • Brandes, Georg (Morris Cohen) — born Feb. 4, 1842, Copenhagen, Den. died Feb. 19, 1927, Copenhagen Danish critic and scholar. His published lectures at the University of Copenhagen, Main Currents in 19th Century Thought, 6 vol. (1872–90), catalyzed the breakthrough from… …   Universalium

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