Bourguiba, Habib

Bourguiba, Habib

president of Tunisia
in full  Habib ibn Ali Bourguiba 
born Aug. 3, 1903, Monastir, Tun.
died April 6, 2000, Monastir
 architect of Tunisia's independence and first president of Tunisia (195787), one of the major voices of moderation and gradualism in the Arab world.

Early life
      Bourguiba was born the seventh child of Ali Bourguiba, a former lieutenant in the army of the bey (ruler) of Tunisia, in the small fishing village of Monastir. At an early age he was sent to the Ṣadīqī (Sadiki) College in Tunis and later to the Lycée Carnot in the same city for his secondary education. There he was introduced to French culture and Western thought, even as he consolidated his education in Arabic and Islamic studies. In 1924 he went to Paris to study law and political science at the Sorbonne, where he developed contacts with Algerian and Moroccan pro-independence intellectuals. He also absorbed many of the philosophical and ideological currents of the time and was drawn especially to the secularist and reformist traditions of French bourgeois life.

      Bourguiba returned to Tunisia in 1927, where he practiced law and became engaged in the political struggle for independence, notably through the foundation in 1932 of a nationalist newspaper (L'Action Tunisienne) and his activity in the Destour (Constitution) Party. He soon became frustrated with the leaders of the Destour, whom he considered to be conservative and timid. In 1934 Bourguiba and some of his associates called a special party congress in Ksar Hellal (Qaṣr Hallāl) and established their own partythe New Destour, or Neo-Destour, Party (from 1964 to 1987 the Destourian Socialist Party [Parti Socialiste Destourien], and later the Democratic Constitutional Rally [Rassemblement Constitutionnel Démocratique])—of which Bourguiba became the secretary-general. Bourguiba encouraged his fellow Tunisians to confront the colonial rulers, resulting in his exile by the French to prison in the desolate south. By that time he was an acknowledged leader of the developing nationalist movement, with a reputation for fiery and inspiring oration; he had become known as the combattant suprême (Arabic: al-mujāhid al-akbar).

Attainment of power
      Upon his release from prison in 1936, Bourguiba focused his energies on building up the organizational structures of the party. He realized that the old Destour had failed to mobilize the masses because it had remained the province of urban intellectuals. To be effective, the Neo-Destour would have to develop truly national appeal, with branches in rural areas to recruit and train new party members in large numbers. He supported organized labour, in particular the establishment of the National Tunisian Union of Labour (Union Générale des Travailleurs Tunisiens), partly as a way of countering the influence of the Communist-supported General Confederation of Tunisian Workers (Confédération Générale des Travailleurs) and partly to tie working-class interests to the nationalist cause. Under his direction the party also established new organizations to mobilize students, craftsmen, farmers, and women, which would later form the organizational and institutional bases of Neo-Destour rule.

      After a second period of internment, this time in French military prisons (193842), Bourguiba returned to a German-occupied Tunis. Convinced that the Allies would ultimately prevail, he refused to throw in his lot with the Germans. In 1945 he left the country for Egypt, where he continued to advocate Tunisian independence. He also traveled around Europe, East Asia, the Middle East, and the United States, attempting to win supporters to his cause and demonstrating the pragmatic, nonaligned diplomacy that would serve him so well in his later life. Returning to Tunisia in 1949, he once again toured the country. By 1950 the Destour was represented in the Tunisian government, which was negotiating relations with France. Lacking official status, Bourguiba was excluded from the talks, which themselves yielded little progress. In 1951 he traveled to Paris to try to break the deadlocked discussions. With strikes and demonstrations in favour of independence at home and the French determined to protect the interests of their settlers, tensions mounted.

      Bourguiba was arrested again in 1952 and detained, first in Tunisia and later in France. In 1954, however, as Tunisian nationalists turned to terrorism, the French government began negotiations with Bourguiba, recognizing Tunisia's internal autonomy as a first step. A new government, which included the Neo-Destour, was formed with the express purpose of negotiating an end to French rule. The first stage was completed in June 1955 when the internal autonomy convention was signed, limiting French control to matters of defense and foreign affairs. One of Bourguiba's fellow Neo-Destour leaders, Salah Ben Youssef, argued against the accords, and the party was split, resolving in Bourguiba's favour only after a congress in which Ben Youssef was expelled from the party. Bourguiba subsequently worked to prevent any individual from developing a power base within the party to such an extent as could threaten either party unity or Bourguiba's own authority.

      After further negotiations the Protocol of March 20, 1956in effect a treaty of independencewas signed between Tunisia and France. In 1957 agreement was reached, in principle, for the evacuation of French forces from the country (with the exception of a base at Bizerte). The monarchy was abolished, and Bourguiba was elected president of the new republic.

      Bourguiba set about shaping the new republic in accordance with his personal vision. In 1959 the Neo-Destour won all 90 seats in the new National Assembly, and a constitution was introduced that made the assembly solely responsible for rule and order in the country. The role of Islam in Tunisian identity was recognized, although the workings of government were to be exclusively secular. Women's rights were recognized in the 1956 Code of Personal Status, an extraordinarily radical document for its time that, among other things, banned polygamy, gave women virtual legal equality with men, enabled women to initiate divorce, introduced a legal minimum age for marriage, and gave women the right to be educated. Education was extended throughout the country, and the curriculum was modernized to reduce religious influence. The military was firmly subordinated to civilian government, and the administration underwent a process ofTunisificationto replace French workers with Tunisian counterparts.

      An experiment with a collectivist form of socialism was abandoned in 1969. The World Bank had refused to fund the program, significant sections of the agricultural community had resisted it, and the experiment failed to produce the desired increases in output; in addition, Bourguiba became convinced that the program's primary advocate, Ahmed Ben Salah, was using it to enhance his own ambitions. During the 1970s Bourguiba oversaw an export-oriented policy, fueled by domestic oil revenues, labour remittances, and foreign borrowing. When all three sources dried up in the 1980s, the country was deeply in need of investment finance. The private sector, which had been partially subsidized by the government but equally excluded from certain areas of production and price setting, was unable to fill the gap, and the country spiraled into debt-ridden crisis, finally turning to the International Monetary Fund for a structural adjustment program in 1986.

      Bourguiba's foreign policy reflected his preference for pragmatism over ideology. He looked to the West for economic and military assistance, but that did not prevent him from engaging non-Western countries in pursuit of export markets and bilateral trade. He aspired to maintain a special relationship with France, believing that there were positive economic, cultural, and social legacies of colonialism to be exploited. Despite major crises over Tunisian support for the Algerian liberation struggle, a Tunisian attack on the French base at Bizerte, and the expropriation of settlers' lands, Bourguiba generally managed to secure a lasting and cordial friendship between the two countries. He also worked tirelessly to develop good relations with the United States, being eager to link Tunisia in to the technologies of modernization. To the chagrin of the Arab world, he advocated a moderate and constructive position toward Israel; nonetheless, he supported the rights of the Palestinians and offered the Palestine Liberation Organization a base when it was expelled from Lebanon in 1982 (see Palestine: The dispersal of the PLO from Lebanon (Palestine)).

      The Neo-Destour, renamed the Destourian Socialist Party (Parti Socialiste Destourien) in 1964, retained its monopoly over domestic politics. National organizations allowed for some popular mobilization and representation, but by the 1970s liberals within the party became impatient with Bourguiba's tendency to centralize power in himself. As dissidents within the party broke away to form their own underground political movements in the 1970s, Bourguiba became more authoritarian and detached from the party's base. Promises of political liberalization failed to materialize. By the 1980s he was convinced that an Islamist revival threatened the country, and, following a series of bomb attacks by Islamist elements on his beloved hometown of Monastir, he ordered a ferocious assault on the leadership and ranks of the Islamic Tendency Movement (Mouvement de la Tendance Islamique). A trial ensued, exposing abuses by the country's security forces, and Tunisia stood at the brink of political and economic crisis, prompting a constitutional coup that removed Bourguiba on the grounds of ill mental health.

Later years
      A charismatic personality, Bourguiba largely remained the father figure who led Tunisia to independence, although his own popularity had waned when he became increasingly authoritarian. By actively preventing the emergence of a successor, he essentially forced his election as president-for-life in 1975; yet, that his own removal was conducted in a peaceful and constitutional manner has been seen by both Tunisians and scholars of the country as a testament to the moderacy and desire for stability with which he imbued Tunisian politics. At the time of his ouster, Bourguiba was already age 84 and, despite his failing health, had ruled the country for 30 years. After his removal from office, he was confined to his house in Monastir by the new regime and was permitted only infrequent visitors. His death at home in 2000 after a period of prolonged illness was marked by a subdued but nonetheless respectful period of national mourning, and he was buried in his family mausoleum in Monastir.

Emma Murphy

Additional Reading
Derek Hopwood, Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia: The Tragedy of Longevity (1992); Norma Salem, Habib Bourguiba, Islam, and the Creation of Tunisia (1984); Samuel Merlin, The Search for Peace in the Middle East: The Story of President Bourguiba's Campaign for a Negotiated Peace Between Israel and the Arab States (1968).

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