

Yugoslavian newspaper

      morning Yugoslavian newspaper published daily except Thursday in the Serbo-Croatian language, printed in the Cyrillic alphabet in Belgrade and in the Latin alphabet in Zagreb.

      Borba was established in 1922 in Zagreb as the voice of the Yugoslav Communist Party and then was outlawed. In the guise of an independent journal, so that it would not be suppressed, Borba championed press freedom and attacked government policies of the 1920s until it was banned in 1929.

      In 1941, during World War II, the paper resumed publication underground and stayed on the move, shifting its headquarters with Josip Broz Tito's Partisans as they fought guerrilla actions against the Germans. In the early postwar years, its influence and circulation soared while relations between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia deteriorated; Borba was consistent in denouncing Soviet policies. In 1954 Borba became the organ of Tito's newly established Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Yugoslavia, instead of that of the Communist Party.

      The paper is known for its lively treatment of historical and cultural matters and for its writing style. Now part of a large publishing enterprise and managed by a workers' council, Borba has seen its circulation decline (to about 85,000 at the turn of the 21st century), but it retains much of its influence because of its international reporting and its high standard of writing and, not least, because its readership includes the leaders of Yugoslav society and its highest earners.

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Universalium. 2010.

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