Berwald, Franz

Berwald, Franz

Swedish composer
in full  Franz Adolf Berwald 
born July 23, 1796, Stockholm, Swed.
died April 3, 1868, Stockholm

      the most important Swedish composer of the 19th century.

      Born into a renowned family of musicians, Berwald studied violin with his father and composition with J.B.E. Du Puy. After playing in the Swedish court orchestra and touring as a violinist for about 15 years, he lived in Berlin (182941) and Vienna (1842). He then returned to Sweden, and from 1846 to 1849 he was in Paris and Vienna, where he attempted to make a name for himself as a composer. He was unable to earn a living in music, however, and from 1850 to 1858 he managed a glassworks in Ångermanland. After scoring a certain success with his opera Estrella de Soria (first performed 1862), he became professor of composition at the Swedish Royal Academy of Music in 1867.

      Berwald is considered the founder of musical Romanticism in Sweden and was the first important Swedish symphonist. His music, somewhat influenced by Louis Spohr (Spohr, Louis) and Carl Maria von Weber (Weber, Carl Maria von), is highly original in its formal construction and use of harmonic resources. His works include five cantatas; concerti for violin (1821), bassoon (1827), and piano (transcribed by Gustaf Heintze, 1908); and four symphonies composed in the 1840s, of which the third, Sinfonie singulaire (1845), is particularly esteemed.

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