Battānī, al-

Battānī, al-

▪ Arab astronomer and mathematician
in full  Abū ʿabd Allāh Muḥammad Ibn Jābir Ibn Sinān Al-battānī Al-ḥarrānī As-ṣābiʾ,  Latin  Albatenius, Albategnus, or Albategni 
born c. 858, in or near Haran, near Urfa, Syria
died 929, near Sāmarrāʾ, Iraq

      Arab astronomer and mathematician who refined existing values for the length of the year and of the seasons, for the annual precession of the equinoxes, and for the inclination of the ecliptic. He showed that the position of the Sun's apogee, or farthest point from the Earth, is variable and that annular (central but incomplete) eclipses of the Sun are possible. He improved Ptolemy's astronomical calculations by replacing geometrical methods with trigonometry. From 877 he carried out many years of remarkably accurate observations at ar-Raqqah in Syria.

      Al-Battānī was the best known of Arab astronomers in Europe during the Middle Ages. His principal written work, a compendium of astronomical tables, was translated into Latin in about 1116 and into Spanish in the 13th century. A printed edition, under the title De motu stellarum (“On Stellar Motion”), was published in 1537.

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