bast fibre

bast fibre

      soft, woody fibre obtained from stems of dicotyledonous (dicotyledon) plants (flowering plants with net-veined leaves) and used for textiles and cordage. Such fibres, usually characterized by fineness and flexibility, are also known assoftfibres, distinguishing them from the coarser, less flexible fibres of the leaf, orhard,” fibre group. Commercially useful bast fibres include flax, hemp, jute, kenaf, ramie, roselle, sunn, and urena.

      Fibre bundles are often several feet long and composed of overlapping cellulose fibres and a cohesive gum, or pectin, which strengthens plant stems. The fibres are located between the epidermis, or bark surface, and an inner woody core. In harvesting bast fibres, the plant stalks are cut off close to the base or pulled up. The fibres are usually freed from the stalk by retting but are sometimes obtained by decortication, a manual or mechanical peeling operation. The released fibre bundles, called strands, are frequently used without additional separation, in which case they are called fibres. flax and ramie strands, however, are usually separated into individual fibre cells, or true plant fibres.

      Most bast fibres are quite strong and are widely used in the manufacture of ropes and twines, bagging materials, and heavy-duty industrial fabrics. In the late 20th century, jute, used mainly for sacking and wrapping purposes, led other fibres in world production but suffered from intense competition from synthetic fibres. Flax, traditionally valued as raw material for linen yarn and fine linen fabrics, is decreasing in importance for luxury textile applications as other fibres, both natural and man-made, become more plentiful.

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Universalium. 2010.

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