Basedow, Johann Bernhard

Basedow, Johann Bernhard

German educator
born Sept. 11, 1724, Hamburg [Germany]
died July 25, 1790, Magdeburg, Brandenburg

      influential German educational reformer who advocated the use of realistic teaching methods and the introduction of nature study, physical education, and manual training into the schools. He also called for an end to physical punishment and to rote memorization in language learning.

      Basedow as a boy revolted against the harsh discipline of his school and ran away from home. He became the servant of a physician, who urged him to return to school, and in 1744 entered the University of Leipzig. Brilliant but undisciplined, he refused to study and instead wrote term papers for money, tutored wealthy students, and spent his earnings in dissipation.

      In 1749 he became tutor to a difficult aristocratic child, and it was then that he began inventing games as aids to teaching. His success brought him an appointment in 1753 as a teacher of philosophy at the Danish Academy of Sorø. There he fascinated his students with his lectures but alienated his colleagues by his riotous living and attacks on organized religion. Expelled from the academy, he obtained a similar post at the Gymnasium at Altona, but this time he failed to impress his students, who were mostly aristocratic and from conservative families.

      In 1768 Basedow published his acclaimed educational appeal to the friends of humanity, Vorstellung an Menschenfreunde, which demanded educational reform and called for the creation of a laboratory school for training teachers in his methods. In 1774, following several revisions of his popular work, Basedow received financial backing from the prince of Anhalt, and he proceeded to set up a school, the Philanthropinum, in Dessau. The performances of his first pupils profoundly impressed observers, including Immanuel Kant and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. However, his heavy drinking and emotional outbursts drove away the better teachers, and in 1784 Basedow severed his connection with the school.

      Basedow's views were based on the writings of men such as John Amos Comenius, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. His practical teaching methods were more expansive in their implications for education than those of any of his immediate predecessors in the field, and by the early 19th century they had become a fundamental force in Germany's public school systems.

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