Baruch, Bernard

Baruch, Bernard

United States government official
in full  Bernard Mannes Baruch  
born Aug. 19, 1870, Camden, S.C., U.S.
died June 20, 1965, New York, N.Y.
 American financier who was an adviser to U.S. presidents.

      After graduating from the College of the City of New York in 1889, Baruch worked as an office boy in a linen business and later in Wall Street brokerage houses. Over the years he amassed a fortune as a stock market speculator. In 1916 he was appointed by President Woodrow Wilson to the Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense, and during World War I he became chairman of the War Industries Board. In 1919 he was a member of the Supreme Economic Council at the Versailles Peace Conference and was also a personal adviser to President Wilson on the terms of peace. As an expert in wartime economic mobilization, Baruch was employed as an adviser by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, although he did not hold an administrative position. After the war Baruch played an instrumental role in formulating policy at the United Nations regarding the international control of atomic energy. The designation ofelder statesmanwas applied to him perhaps more often than to any other American of his time.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Baruch, Bernard (Mannes) — born Aug. 19, 1870, Camden, S.C., U.S. died June 20, 1965, New York, N.Y. U.S. financier and adviser to presidents. After graduating from the College of the City of New York in 1889, he went to work in Wall Street brokerage houses, where he… …   Universalium

  • Baruch, Bernard (Mannes) — (19 ago. 1870, Camden, S.C., EE.UU.– 20 jun. 1965, Nueva York, N.Y.). Financista estadounidense y asesor presidencial. Se graduó en el City College de Nueva York en 1889 e ingresó a trabajar en las oficinas de corredores de Wall Street, donde… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Bernard Baruch — Bernard Mannes Baruch (pronEng|bəˈɹuk) (August 18, 1870 ndash;June 20, 1965) was a Jewish American financier, stock market speculator, statesman, and presidential advisor. After his success in business, he devoted his time toward advising… …   Wikipedia

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