- Astley, Thea
▪ Australian authorborn August 25, 1925, Brisbane, Queensland, Australiadied August 17, 2004, New South WalesAustralian author, who in her fiction examined, usually satirically, the lives of morally and intellectually isolated people in her native country.Astley graduated from the University of Queensland in 1947 and taught English in Queensland (1944–48) and New South Wales (1948–67) and at Macquarie University in Sydney (1968–80). Drawing her subject from personal experience, her first two novels, Girl with a Monkey (1958) and A Descant for Gossips (1960), are ironic portrayals of philistine small-town life. In The Well Dressed Explorer (1962) and The Acolyte (1972), individuals rather than the larger community are the targets of Astley's satire. With A Kindness Cup (1974) and An Item from the Late News (1982), however, Astley returned to the subject of the brutality of small-town Australian life. The sexually frustrated tourists of A Boat Load of Home Folk (1968) and the Pacific Islanders plotting revolution in Beachmasters (1985) are unsparing depictions of human folly. Later novels include Reaching Tin River (1990), Coda (1994), and Drylands (1999). Astley's characters suffer from boredom, prejudice, and narrow-mindedness; her women tend to be childish, her men either brutish or ineffectual. The crises of conscience they undergo lead to physically or emotionally violent conclusions. She also wrote poetry, and Hunting the Wild Pineapple (1979) is a collection of her short stories.
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Universalium. 2010.