

ancient kingdom, Anatolia
      ancient kingdom of western or southwestern Anatolia (its exact location is disputed). Although Arzawa was for long periods a rival of the Hittite kingdom, it was occasionally conquered and made a vassal by some of the more powerful Hittite kings, such as Labarnas I (c. 1680c. 1650 BC). During the period of Hittite decline after the end of the Old Kingdom (c. 1500 BC), Arzawa's power and prominence reached its peak, and its king, Tarkhundaradu, corresponded with Amenhotep III of Egypt in the 14th century BC. It was later reconquered by the Hittite Mursilis II (133906 BC). During the reign of the Hittite king Arnuwandas III (12201190 BC), Arzawa was seized by a disloyal Hittite vassal, Madduwattas; it was never recaptured by the Hittites and gradually lost its political identity.

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