

plant genus
 genus of flowering shrubs and small trees of the rose family (Rosaceae), several species of which have entered cultivation as ornamental plants. Most species are North American; exceptions include the shrubby A. ovalis, which ranges over Europe, and A. asiatica, a small tree of East Asia. A number of amelanchiers are variously called juneberry, sugarplum, serviceberry, or sarvistree. The name shadbush, or shadblow, refers to the tendency of certain species to produce their profuse small blossoms (before the leaves) when the shad swim upriver to spawn, in early spring in eastern North America. The terminal white flower clusters of the Amelanchier are followed by reddish to purple-black fruit resembling tiny apples. The fruits are eaten by birds. Some species bear fruit that is used in making jellies.

      The popular ornamental species of Amelanchier include juneberry (A. alnifolia), a shrub that grows up to about 3 m (10 feet); shadblow serviceberry (A. canadensis), up to about 8 m; and Allegheny serviceberry (A. laevis), like A. canadensis but taller and with more nodding flower clusters. Downy serviceberry (A. arborea) is also similar to A. canadensis but is more vigorous and has larger hanging flower clusters. Apple serviceberry (A. grandiflora), a natural hybrid of A. arborea and A. laevis, grows up to 9 m and has larger individual blossoms, pinkish on some trees. Running serviceberry (A. stolonifera) is a spreading shrub about 1 m tall, that is useful in semiwild plantings and for stabilizing soil, especially on embankments.

      The wild types of Amelanchier appear to hybridize freely. Their differences are slight and often puzzling to both gardeners and horticulturists.

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Universalium. 2010.

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