

king of Egypt
also called  Ahmose II 
flourished 6th century BCE

      king (reigned 570526 BCE) of the 26th dynasty (664525 BCE; see ] (Egypt, ancient)) of ancient Egypt, a general who seized the throne during a revolt against King Apries. The account of the 5th-century-BCE Greek historian (ancient Greek civilization) Herodotus reveals Amasis as a shrewd and opportunistic ruler who, while promoting Greek trade with Egypt, strictly regulated it.

      In 570, after Apries's unsuccessful campaign against Cyrene (in modern Libya), the Egyptian troops mutinied, and, when Amasis was sent to pacify them, the mutineers proclaimed him king. In the ensuing civil war the Egyptians under his command defeated an invasion by Apries, who was supported by the Babylonian king Nebuchadrezzar II. Amasis killed Apries in battle but later gave him a royal burial.

      Amasis then turned to diplomacy, securing an alliance with Cyrene by marrying a woman of that country and also seeking alliances in Greece. Herodotus tells of his friendship with Polycrates, tyrant of Samos, and also mentions his donation toward rebuilding the temple at Delphi. Nonetheless, to regulate Greek influence in Egypt he confined merchants to the city of Naukratis in the Nile River delta, southwest of his own capital. His reign was a time of great prosperity in Egypt.

      Perhaps employing the fleet of his friend Polycrates, Amasis reputedly subdued Cyprus, exacting tribute from it. Herodotus states that Amasis allied himself with Croesus when the Lydian (Lydia) king was seeking assistance against Persia. Yet Persian power grew rapidly, and Amasis died only about six months before the invasion of Egypt by Cambyses II.

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