

ancient Greek settlement, Egypt
also spelled  Naucratis,  

      ancient Greek settlement in the Nile River delta, on the Canopic (western) branch of the river. An emporion (“trading station”) with exclusive trading rights in Egypt, Naukratis was the centre of cultural relations between Greece and Egypt in the pre-Hellenistic period. The station was established by Milesians in the 7th century BC, but Greeks from other cities also settled there. It flourished throughout the classical period but declined after Alexander's conquest of Egypt and the foundation of Alexandria (332).

      The site of Naukratis was discovered in 1884 by W.M. Flinders Petrie and excavated by Petrie and Ernest Gardner (188486) and by D.G. Hogarth (Hogarth, David George) (1899, 1903). They uncovered dedications to deities and Greek pottery that threw light on the early history of the Greek alphabet and the commercial activity of various Greek states, especially in the 6th century BC.

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