Amarna style

Amarna style

 revolutionary style of Egyptian art created by Amenhotep IV, who took the name Akhenaton during his reign (135336 BCE) in the 18th dynasty (Egypt, ancient). Akhenaton's alteration of the artistic and religious life of ancient Egypt (Egypt, ancient) was drastic, if short-lived. His innovations were centred upon a new religion based on the worship of Aton, or the sun's disk, which Akhenaton elevated above all others in the Egyptian pantheon. The artistic elements that Akhenaton introduced in the decoration of the Aton temples and on other monuments of his reign, both at Karnak and at his new capital of Akhetaton (Tell el-Amarna (Amarna, Tell el-)), are referred to collectively as the Amarna style.

      Unlike other Egyptian deities (Egyptian religion), usually portrayed face-to-face with the pharaoh in their anthropomorphic or animal form, the Aton was shown in its natural state as a sun disk in the heavens with pendant rays; each ray ended in a tiny hand. In such portrayals Akhenaton was placed at ground level, bathed in the sunlight descending from the disk and often accompanied by his queen, Nefertiti, and one or more of their daughters.

      A new artistic idiom, for both wall relief and sculpture, was devised to represent the human body. Faces were depicted with a hanging jaw, pronounced facial folds, and narrow, slitted eyes, while the body itself consisted of a thin, attenuated neck, sloped shoulders, a heavy paunch, large hips and thighs, and rather spindly legs. The princesses are usually shown with greatly elongated skulls. Several theories, none thoroughly convincing, have been propounded to explain these features as the naturalistic depiction of Akhenaton's own physical deformation caused perhaps by disease.

      Other innovations include the portrayal of the royal family in less formal, intimate contexts, even on private offering stelae, where Akhenaton and Nefertiti dandle their daughters on their laps, exchanging kisses and embracing them affectionately in a manner otherwise unknown in Egyptian art. The human body was depicted in more realistic detail, with the toes on the right and left feet carefully distinguished for the first time, earplug holes shown in the earlobes, and neck wrinkles visible. The vast wall expanses of the new Aton temples invited experimentation in large-scale composition, devoted not only to the ubiquitous offering scenes but to religious ceremonies such as the king's Karnak jubilee and detailed architectural depictions of the royal palace and the Aton temples. The peripheral regions of these compositions were peopled by the common citizens and soldiers of Akhenaton's court, often captured in informal poses, as well as scenes of the Egyptian riverfront and desert landscape, enlivened by animals and birds of the Nile River valley and its uplands.

      Akhenaton seems to have been the guiding hand behind these stylistic changes, as much as the Aton religion itself; indeed, the two are irrevocably intertwined. A dedicatory text of the master sculptor Bek described him asone whom his majesty himself instructed.” The Amarna period also produced a number of sculptures of exquisite refinement, including the painted portrait bust of Nefertiti found in the workshop of the sculptor Thutmose, perhaps the most famous embodiment of female beauty from the ancient Middle East (Middle East, ancient).

      The term Amarna style obscures the fact that within these broad outlines, there exists a great variety of individual approaches, ranging from sublime beauty to what appears to be a severe caricature of the human form. The exaggerated tendencies in both sculpture and relief are more evident at the Karnak temples, built during the early years of Akhenaton's reign and obviously decorated in haste by a large number of craftsmen. Scholars have noted that during the later years at Akhetaton, these features are for the most part mitigated in a more naturalistic, less extreme portrayal of the human body. Some have even postulated that thismaturestyle reflects a concomitant softening of the more radical elements of the Aton religion on the part of Akhenaton. Whatever the truth, the Amarna style represents a series of related artistic endeavours and experiments over the course of the reign. Despite the later abandonment of the Aton cult and the systematic destruction of its temples at Karnak and Akhetaton, a number of stylistic features were retained by later artisans of the Ramesside period (Egypt, ancient). The most important was perhaps a confidence in effectively designing large-scale compositions on temple walls, in particular the battle scenes of Seti I and Ramses II, and the festival reliefs at the temples of Karnak and Luxor.

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