- Alas, Leopoldo
▪ Spanish writerborn April 25, 1852, Zamora, Spaindied June 13, 1901, Oviedonovelist, journalist, and the most influential literary critic in late 19th-century Spain. His biting and often-bellicose articles, sometimes called paliques (“chitchat”), and his advocacy of liberalism, anticlericalism, and literary naturalism not only made him Spain's most feared critical voice but also created many enemies who later obscured his fame.After studying law in Madrid, he went to the University of Oviedo in 1870, received his degree, and took a position in the university as professor of law and political economy, a post he held until his death. He published thousands of articles in national magazines and newspapers, through which he cultivated drama, poetry, and fiction. These articles were collected in some 30 volumes, which occasionally mixed articles with short stories, as in Solos de Clarín (1881; “Solos of Clarín”).His most important novels, La regenta (2 vol., 1884–85; “The Regent's Wife”; Eng. trans. La Regenta) and Su único hijo (1890; His Only Son), are among the greatest Spanish novels of the 19th century. Although often called naturalistic novels, neither adheres to naturalism's scientific principles or its characteristic depiction of sordidness and violence. Where naturalism rejects the spiritual and psychological in favour of behaviouristic observation, Alas's novels avoid emphasis on the physiological; they instead sensitively explore the tormented psyches of a soul in disintegration (La Regenta) and of a quester who loses his way (His Only Son).In La Regenta Alas mercilessly depicted the provincial society of Vetusta, an imaginary town modeled upon Oviedo, Spain. The novel dissects decadent Restoration society from the perspective of an outsider, Ana Ozores, sometimes called Spain's Madame Bovary. Isolated by her elderly husband's benign neglect and victimized by Spain's narrow-minded, morally conservative, and misogynist society, she undergoes a spiritual and psychological decline that parallels what Alas perceived to be his country's collective ills and degeneration.In His Only Son the central character, Bonifacio Reyes, is a weak Romantic dreamer married to a spoiled, domineering, and wealthy woman. He escapes their painful marriage by frequenting theatre and opera groups. Dissatisfied with life, he seeks deeper meaning. The novel's ironic title alludes to doubts about whether his only son was fathered by another while he found solace with actresses. A somewhat enigmatic novel, His Only Son moves between scathing satire and gentle reverie.Alas wrote several outstanding short novels, and he is also considered the father of the modern Spanish short story. His intellectual integrity and ethical preoccupations appear in his wide-ranging collections, which include Pipá (1886), Doña Berta, cuervo, superchería (1892; “Miss Bertha, Crow, Fraud”), El señor y lo demás son cuentos (1893; “God and the Rest Is Fairy Tales”), Cuentos morales (1896; The Moral Tales), and El gallo de Sócrates (1901; “The Rooster of Socrates”), all marked by his characteristic humour and sympathy for the poor, the lonely, and the downtrodden.Janet I. Pérez
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Universalium. 2010.