Acheson, Dean

Acheson, Dean

United States statesman
in full  Dean Gooderham Acheson 
born April 11, 1893, Middletown, Connecticut, U.S.
died October 12, 1971, Sandy Spring, Maryland
 U.S. secretary of state (194953) and adviser to four presidents, who became the principal creator of U.S. foreign policy in the Cold War period following World War II; he helped to create the Western alliance in opposition to the Soviet Union and other communist nations.

      A graduate of Yale University and of Harvard Law School, Acheson served as a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis (Brandeis, Louis). In 1921 he joined a law firm in Washington, D.C. His first government post was in the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Franklin D.) as undersecretary of the Treasury in 1933; he entered the Department of State in 1941 as an assistant secretary and was undersecretary from 1945 to 1947.

      One of Acheson's first responsibilities in 1945 was to secure Senate approval for U.S. membership in the United Nations. After 1945 he became a convinced anti-communist, a position that was the dominant influence on his later conduct of foreign policy. Believing that the Soviet Union sought expansion in the Middle East, he shaped what came to be known as the Truman Doctrine (1947), pledging immediate military and economic aid to the governments of Greece and Turkey. In the same year he outlined the main points of what became known as the Marshall Plan.

  Appointed secretary of state by President Harry S. Truman (Truman, Harry S.) in January 1949, Acheson promoted the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the first peacetime defensive alliance entered into by the United States.

      Despite his strong stance in what he conceived to be a global confrontation with communism, Acheson was the target of attack by foreign-policy critics within both political parties. His enemies were particularly inflamed when, during the congressional hearings of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy (McCarthy, Joseph R.) on subversive activities (194950), Acheson refused to fire any of his State Department subordinates. His most widely publicized remark was, “I will not turn my back on Alger Hiss (Hiss, Alger)”—a former State Department officer later convicted of perjury in denying that he had engaged in espionage in the 1930s.

      Demands for Acheson's resignation increased after the entry of communist China into the Korean War (195053). The storm of public controversy erupted more violently after the president removed General Douglas MacArthur (MacArthur, Douglas) as commander of forces in Korea. Acheson subsequently established the policies of nonrecognition of China and aid to the Nationalist regime of General Chiang Kai-shek on Taiwan; later he also supported U.S. aid to the French colonial regime in Indochina.

      After leaving office Acheson returned to private law practice but continued to serve as foreign-policy adviser to successive presidents. His account of his years in the Department of State, Present at the Creation, won the Pulitzer Prize in history in 1970. Other works include Power and Diplomacy (1958), Morning and Noon (1965), The Korean War (1971), and Grapes from Thorns (posthumous, 1972).

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  • Acheson, Dean (Gooderham) — born April 11, 1893, Middletown, Conn., U.S. died Oct. 12, 1971, Sandy Spring, Md. U.S. secretary of state (1949–53). After graduating from Yale University and Harvard Law School, he practiced law in Washington, D.C. In 1941 he joined the State… …   Universalium

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