Abdullāh Iʿ

Abdullāh Iʿ

king of Jordan
in full  ʿAbd Allāh ibn al-Ḥusayn  
born 1882, Mecca
died July 20, 1951, Jerusalem

      statesman who became the first ruler (194651) of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. (Jordan)

 ʿAbdullāh, the second son of Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī, the ruler of the Hejaz, was educated in Istanbul in what was then the Ottoman Empire. After the Young Turk Revolution of 1908, he represented Mecca in the Ottoman parliament. Early in 1914 he joined the Arab nationalist movement, which sought independence for Arab territories in the Ottoman Empire. In 191516 he played a leading role in clandestine negotiations between the British in Egypt and his father that led to the proclamation (June 10, 1916) of the Arab revolt against the Ottomans.

      On March 8, 1920, the Iraqi Congress, an organization of questionable legitimacy, proclaimed ʿAbdullāh constitutional king of Iraq. But he declined the Iraqi throne, which was given to his brother Fayṣal I, whom French troops had driven out of Damascus a year earlier (July 1920). Upon Fayṣal's ascent to the throne, ʿAbdullāh occupied Transjordan and threatened to attack Syria. He gradually negotiated the legal separation of Transjordan from Britain's Palestine mandate.

 ʿAbdullāh aspired to create a united Arab kingdom encompassing Syria, Iraq, and Transjordan. During World War II (193945), he actively sided with the United Kingdom, and his army, the Arab Legionthe most effective military force in the Arab worldtook part in the British occupation of Syria and Iraq in 1941. In 1946 Transjordan became independent, and ʿAbdullāh was crowned in Amman on May 25, 1946. He was the only Arab ruler prepared to accept the United Nations' partitioning of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states (1947). In the war with Israel in May 1948, his armies occupied the region of Palestine due west of the Jordan River, which came to be called the West Bank, and captured east Jerusalem, including much of the Old City. Two years later he annexed the West Bank territory into the kingdomthereupon changing the name of the country to Jordan. That annexation angered his former Arab allies, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, all of which wanted to see the creation of a Palestinian Arab state on the West Bank. ʿAbdullāh's popularity at home declined, and he was assassinated by a Palestinian nationalist. The reign of his son Ṭalāl, who suffered from severe mental illness, was brief. A second son, Nāʾif, was passed over, and the throne soon went to Ṭalāl's son Ḥussein.

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