- Worldwide Adherents of All Religions by Six Continental Areas, Mid-2000
▪ 2001countriesChristians 360,232,000 312,849,000 559,643,000 481,102,000 260,624,000 25,110,000 1,999,560,000 33.0 238Affiliated Christians 335,116,000 307,288,000 536,832,000 475,659,000 212,167,000 21,375,000 1,888,437,000 31.2 238Roman Catholics 120,386,000 110,480,000 285,978,000 461,220,000 71,035,000 8,228,000 1,057,327,000 17.5 235Protestants 89,001,000 49,967,000 77,529,000 48,132,000 69,978,000 7,392,000 341,999,000 5.6 233Orthodox 35,304,000 14,113,000 158,105,000 558,000 6,342,000 706,000 215,128,000 3.6 135Anglicans 42,542,000 727,000 26,637,000 1,090,000 3,244,000 5,409,000 79,649,000 1.3 166Other Christians 86,268,000 157,218,000 29,288,000 46,301,000 90,769,000 1,966,000 411,810,000 6.8 223Unaffiliated Christians 25,116,000 5,561,000 22,811,000 5,443,000 48,458,000 3,735,000 111,124,000 1.8 236Non-Christians 424,213,000 3,369,701,000 169,244,000 38,036,000 49,007,000 5,283,000 4,055,484,000 67.0 238Atheists 420,000 121,945,000 22,922,000 2,757,000 1,680,000 365,000 150,089,000 2.5 161Baha'is 1,733,000 3,475,000 130,000 873,000 786,000 110,000 7,107,000 0.1 218Buddhists 134,000 354,651,000 1,547,000 647,000 2,701,000 301,000 359,981,000 5.9 126Chinese folk religionists 32,000 383,408,000 255,000 194,000 854,000 64,000 384,807,000 6.4 89Confucianists 0 6,264,000 11,000 0 0 24,000 6,299,000 0.1 15Ethnic religionists 96,805,000 128,298,000 1,263,000 1,288,000 444,000 268,000 228,366,000 3.8 142Hindus 2,351,000 805,120,000 1,416,000 768,000 1,327,000 355,000 811,337,000 13.4 114Jains 66,000 4,145,000 0 0 7,000 0 4,218,000 0.1 10Jews 214,000 4,429,000 2,527,000 1,142,000 6,024,000 97,000 14,433,000 0.2 134Mandeans 0 39,000 0 0 0 0 39,000 0.0 2Muslims 317,374,000 832,879,000 31,566,000 1,672,000 4,450,000 301,000 1,188,242,000 19.6 204New-Religionists 28,000 100,639,000 158,000 623,000 842,000 66,000 102,356,000 1.7 60Shintoists 0 2,699,000 0 7,000 56,000 0 2,762,000 0.0 8Sikhs 53,000 22,421,000 239,000 0 528,000 18,000 23,259,000 0.4 34Spiritists 3,000 2,000 133,000 12,039,000 151,000 7,000 12,335,000 0.2 55Zoroastrians 1,000 2,463,000 1,000 0 78,000 1,000 2,544,000 0.0 24Other religionists 5,092,000 611,262,000 107,076,000 16,026,000 29,079,000 3,306,000 771,841,000 12.7 76Nonreligious 5,024,000 608,594,000 106,841,000 15,928,000 28,473,000 3,298,000 768,158,000 12.7 236Total population 784,445,000 3,682,550,000 728,887,000 519,138,000 309,631,000 30,393,000 6,055,044,000 100.0 238Continents. These follow current UN demographic terminology, which now divides the world into the six major areas shown above. See United Nations, World Population Prospects: The 1998 Revision (New York: UN, 1999), with populations of all continents, regions, and countries covering the period 1950-2050. Note that "Asia" now includes the former Soviet Central Asian states and "Europe" now includes all of Russia extending eastward to Vladivostok, the Sea of Japan, and the Bering Strait.Countries. The last column enumerates sovereign and nonsovereign countries in which each religion or religious grouping has a numerically significant and organized following.Adherents. As defined in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a person's religion is what he or she says it is. Totals are enumerated for each of the world's 238 countries following the methodology of the World Christian Encyclopedia, 2nd ed. (2000), using recent censuses, polls, literature, and other data.Christians. Followers of Jesus Christ affiliated with churches (church members, including children: 1,888,437,000) plus persons professing in censuses or polls to be Christians though not so affiliated. Figures for the subgroups of Christians do not add up to the totals in the first line because some Christians adhere to more than one denomination.Other Christians. This term in the table denotes Catholics (non-Roman), marginal Protestants, independents, postdenominationalists, crypto-Christians, and adherents of African, Asian, Black, and Latin American indigenous churches.Atheists. Persons professing atheism, skepticism, disbelief, or irreligion, including the antireligious (opposed to all religion).Chinese folk religionists. Followers of traditional Chinese religion (local deities, ancestor veneration, Confucian ethics, Taoism, universism, divination, and some Buddhist elements).Confucianists. Non-Chinese followers of Confucius and Confucianism, mostly Koreans in Korea.Ethnic religionists. Followers of local, tribal, animistic, or shamanistic religions.Jews. Adherents of Judaism. For detailed data on "core" Jewish population, see the annual "World Jewish Populations" article in the American Jewish Committee's American Jewish Year Book.Muslims. 83% Sunnites, 16% Shi'ites, 1% other schools. Until 1990 the Muslims in the former U.S.S.R. who had embraced communism were not included as Muslims in this table. After the collapse of communism in 1990-91, these Muslims were once again enumerated as Muslims if they had returned to Islamic profession and practice.New-Religionists. Followers of Asian 20th-century New Religions, New Religious movements, radical new crisis religions, and non-Christian syncretistic mass religions, all founded since 1800 and most since 1945.Other religionists. Including 70 minor world religions and more than 10,000 national or local religions and a large number of spiritist religions, New Age religions, quasi religions, pseudoreligions, parareligions, religious or mystic systems, and religious and semireligious brotherhoods of numerous varieties.Nonreligious. Persons professing no religion, nonbelievers, agnostics, freethinkers, or dereligionized secularists indifferent to all religion.Total population. UN medium variant figures for mid-2000, as given in World Population Prospects: The 1998 Revision.See as table:
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Universalium. 2010.