Laforet, Carmen

Laforet, Carmen

      Catalan writer (b. Sept. 6, 1921, Barcelona, Spaind. Feb. 28, 2004, Madrid, Spain), helped to revitalize Spanish literature by introducing modernism and the existential voice in her first and best-known novel, Nada (1945; “Nothingness”; Eng. trans., Nada, 1958). A direct and unaffected portrait of a demoralized and sordid post-Civil War Barcelona as seen through the eyes of a young woman, Nada became a classic of modern Spanish literature and has remained in print.

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Spanish author
in full  Carmen Díaz Laforet  
born September 6, 1921, Barcelona, Spain
died February 28, 2004, Madrid

      Spanish novelist and short-story writer who received international recognition when her novel Nada (1944; “Nothingness”; Eng. trans., Nada) won the first Nadal Prize.

      Educated in Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Laforet returned to Barcelona immediately after the Spanish Civil War (193639). The lives of the heroines in her novels strongly reflect the author's personal experiences. Nada, Laforet's first and most successful novel, is spontaneous and passionate. It is written in the postwar narrative style known as tremendismo, which is characterized by a tendency to emphasize violence and grotesque imagery. Nada presents the impressions of a young girl who returns to Barcelona from abroad after the war and discovers a sordid, chaotic atmosphere and intellectual emptiness. A novel read for its narrative, political, and existential elements, Nada is direct and unaffected.

      In contrast to her first novel, Laforet's later works, though better constructed, are sentimental and less intense. In 1952 she published La isla y los demonios (“The Island and the Demons”), also autobiographical in nature. Laforet's conversion to Catholicism in 1951 is strongly reflected in La mujer nueva (1955; “The New Woman”), in which a worldly woman rediscovers her faith. Although this novel received the Menorca Prize in 1955 and the Miguel de Cervantes Prize the following year, many critics consider its main character unrealistic and its statement almost absurd to those who are not familiar with Laforet's own faith. In 1961 she wrote Gran Canaria (“Grand Canary”), a guide to the island on which she grew up.

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  • Laforet, Carmen — ► (1921 2004) Novelista española. Fue premio Nadal en 1944 por su novela Nada. Obras: La insolación (1963), La niña y otros relatos (1970) y Al volver la esquina (2004, obra póstuma), entre otras …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Laforet — Laforet, Carmen …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Carmen Laforet — (* 6. September 1921 in Barcelona; † 28. Februar 2004 in Madrid) war eine spanische Schriftstellerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk 2.1 Spanisch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Carmen Laforet — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Carmen Laforet Díaz (Barcelona, 6 de septiembre de 1921 Madrid, 29 de febrero de 2004) fue una escritora española. Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Obras …   Wikipedia Español

  • Carmen Laforet — (Born Barcelona September 6, 1921 ndash; died Madrid, February 28, 2004) was a Spanish author who wrote in the period after the Spanish Civil War. An important European writer, her works contributed to the school of Existentialist Literature and… …   Wikipedia

  • Carmen Laforet — est une romancière espagnole. Elle est née le 6 septembre 1921 à Barcelone (Espagne) et est décédée le 28 février 2004 à Madrid (Espagne) à l âge de 82 ans. A l âge de deux ans elle part aux Iles Canaries avec sa famille et… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Carmen Laforet — (Barcelona, 6 de septiembre de 1921 Madrid, 28 de febrero de 2004) fue una escritora española. Aunque nacida en Barcelona, su infancia y adolescencia transcurrieron en las Islas Canarias. Estudió Filosofía en Barcelona y Derecho en la Universidad …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Laforet —   [lafɔ rɛt], Carmen, spanische Schriftstellerin, * Barcelona 6. 9. 1921. Ihre Romane und Erzählungen kontrastieren die beängstigende Realität im Spanien der Zeit nach dem Bürgerkrieg mit einer feminin idealisierten Welt der verlorenen Kindheit.… …   Universal-Lexikon

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