
Kru (kro͞o) n.
A group of Niger-Congo languages spoken primarily in Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire.

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Group of peoples of Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire, including the Bassa, Krahn, Grebo, Klao (Kru), Bakwe, and Bete.

They speak Kru languages of the Niger-Congo family and number some 2.5 million. Members of Kru ethnic groups, especially Klao, Grebo, and Bassa, are known as stevedores and fishermen all along the west coast of Africa and have established colonies in most ports from Dakar, Seneg., to Douala, Camer., the largest being in Monrovia, Liberia.

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      any of a group of peoples inhabiting southern Liberia and southwestern Côte d'Ivoire. The Kru languages constitute a branch of the Niger-Congo family.

      The Kru are known as stevedores and fishermen throughout the west coast of Africa and have established colonies in most ports from Dakar, Senegal, to Douala, Cameroon. With related tribesthe Basa and Grebo on the coast and the Sikon, Sapo, and Padebu in the interiorthey occupy nearly one-third of Liberia. The Kru are thought to have entered the country from the northeast in the 15th to 17th century. There are about 24 subgroups with dialectal and cultural differences. Their political organization was traditionally uncentralized, each subgroup inhabiting a number of autonomous towns. Within each town social organization is based on exogamous patrilineal clans. Clan heads and titled officials make up the council of the town chief. Although not hereditary, some titles are associated with particular clans or military age grades. With the Liberian government moving since about 1920 toward more centralized administration, some traditional offices have changed function or disappeared. Kru economy is based on fishing and the production of rice and cassava. The coastlands are cut by a series of unbridged rivers that have restricted economic progress, so that there has been a continuing exodus of young people to Monrovia, Liberia. By the late 20th century there were probably more Kru outside tribal territory than within. The largest single Kru community in the late 20th century was in Monrovia.

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