Cartan, Henri

Cartan, Henri
Henri-Paul Cartan 
      French mathematician

born July 8, 1904, Nancy, France

died Aug. 13, 2008, Paris, France
made fundamental advances in the theory of analytic functions. Cartan was also a founding member of the secretive group of mathematicians who published the multivolume Élements de mathématique (begun in 1939) under the joint pseudonym Nicolas Bourbaki. Cartan, the son of the distinguished mathematician Élie Cartan, earned a Ph.D. in 1928 from the École Normale Supérieure in Paris (ENS-Ulm) and began his academic career as professor of mathematics (192829) at the Lycée Caen. He was appointed deputy professor at the University of Lille in 1929 and two years later became professor of mathematics at the University of Strasbourg. In 1940 he joined the ENS-Ulm faculty, where he remained until 1965; from 1970 to 1975 he taught at the University of Paris-Sud at Orsay. Cartan also conducted (194069) an influential annual seminar, was president (196770) of the International Mathematical Union, and contributed to the theory of sheaves, which he showed was a powerful tool in the theory of analytic functions of several variables, homological algebra, algebraic topology, and potential theory. His major works include Homological Algebra (1956; written with Samuel Eilenberg) and Elementary Theory of Analytic Functions of One or Several Complex Variables (1963). Cartan was the recipient of numerous honours, including the 1980 Wolf Foundation Prize in Mathematics, and in 1989 he was made commander of the Legion of Honour.

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French mathematician
in full  Henri-Paul Cartan 
born July 8, 1904, Nancy, France
died Aug. 13, 2008, Paris

      French mathematician who made fundamental advances in the theory of analytic functions.

      Son of the distinguished mathematician Élie Cartan, Henri Cartan began his academic career as professor of mathematics at the Lycée Caen (192829). He was appointed deputy professor at the University of Lille in 1929 and two years later became professor of mathematics at the University of Strasbourg. In 1940 he joined the faculty of the University of Paris, where he remained until 1965; from 1970 to 1975 he taught at Orsay.

      Cartan ran an influential seminar for many years, and contributed to the theory of sheaves, which he showed was a powerful tool in the theory of analytic functions of several variables, homological algebra, algebraic topology, and potential theory. His major works include Homological Algebra (1956) (written with Samuel Eilenberg), and Elementary Theory of Analytic Functions of One or Several Complex Variables (1963). The recipient of numerous honours, Cartan was awarded the 1980 Wolf Foundation Prize in Mathematics, and in 1989 he was made commander of the Legion of Honour.

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