weather modification

weather modification
Deliberate or inadvertent alteration of atmospheric conditions by human activity, sufficient to modify the weather on a local or regional scale.

Deliberate alterations include covering plants to keep them warm at night, seeding clouds to induce or augment precipitation, and firing silver-iodide particles into clouds to suppress or mitigate hail and to reduce fog at airports. Inadvertent alterations are the result of industrialization and urbanization, which have added billions of tons of carbon dioxide and other gases to the atmosphere (see acid rain, global warming, greenhouse effect).

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      the deliberate or the inadvertent alternation of atmospheric (atmosphere) conditions by human activity, sufficient to modify the weather on local or regional scales.

General considerations
      Humans have long sought to purposefully alter such atmospheric phenomena as clouds (cloud), rain, snow, hail, lightning, thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and cyclones. The modern era of scientific weather modification began in 1946 with work by Vincent J. Schaefer (Schaefer, Vincent Joseph) and Irving Langmuir (Langmuir, Irving) at the General Electric Research Laboratories in Schenectady, N.Y. Schaefer discovered that when Dry Ice (frozen carbon dioxide) pellets were dropped into a cloud composed of water droplets in a deep-freeze box, the droplets were rapidly replaced by ice crystals, which increased in size and then fell to the bottom of the box.

      The Schaefer-Langmuir experiments in the laboratory and the atmosphere demonstrated that so-called supercooled cloudsnamely those composed of water droplets at temperatures below freezingcould be dissipated. When the supercooled clouds were seeded (cloud seeding) with grains of Dry Ice, ice crystals formed and grew large enough to fall out of the clouds.

      Certain substances other than Dry Ice can be used to seed clouds. For example, when silver iodide and lead iodide are burned, they create a smoke of tiny particles. These particles produce ice crystals in supercooled clouds below temperatures of about −5° C as the supercooled cloud droplets evaporate. The water vapour is then free to deposit onto the silver iodide or lead iodide crystals. Although many other materials can cause ice crystals to form, the above-mentioned are the most widely used. For the most part, Dry Ice is dispersed from airplanes, but silver iodide nuclei may be generated on the ground and carried upward by air currents, introduced from airplanes, or produced by pyrotechnic devices such as rockets or exploding artillery shells.

      A wide variety of scientific tests and operational weather modification projects have been performed in many countries. The largest programs have been in the United States, the former Soviet Union, Australia, and France.

      Most weather modification programs in the United States have dealt with rain or snow. Although there is still considerable debate about the effectiveness of cloud seeding, the evidence indicates that under certain meteorological conditions, ice nuclei (freezing nucleus) seeding may increase precipitation by amounts ranging up to some tens of percent. In other circumstances decreases may occur, and, in still others, seeding has no effect.

      In Russia, various other former Soviet republics, and South Africa, the major programs of weather modification were aimed at reducing the fall of damaging hail. Experimentation in this area was apparently successful. Procedures involved introducing ice nuclei into potential hail clouds by means of artillery or rockets. Attempts to modify hailstorms in other countries have had mixed success.

      A number of hurricanes were seeded with ice nuclei by American scientists. Although results have been inconclusive, some meteorologists believe it is possible to reduce hurricane intensities in some instances. Before asserting that hurricanes can be beneficially modified, however, more research is needed. Currently, there are no programs anywhere in the world attempting to seed hurricanes. Limited attempts to modify mid-latitude cyclones in the past have not been successful. In the case of tornadoes, knowledge of their dynamic structure remains limited, and no attempts have been made to control them.

      There are many misunderstandings about the present status of weather modification. Present techniques are concerned mostly with the influence of existing cloud systems. There is no evidence and no reason for believing, at this stage, that cloud seeding may cause or end droughts (drought). Such dry periods result from peculiarities in the general circulation of the atmosphere that lead to sinking air and cloud-free skies in areas accustomed to precipitation. When there are no clouds present, there can be no cloud seeding.

      As meteorologists have developed schemes for changing the weather, the ecological, social, and legal problems have become more serious. Many U.S. states have laws governing weather modification activities. Lawsuits have been filed in which the parties have contested ownership of the clouds and the precipitation therein.

Methods of modifying atmospheric phenomena

       cloud droplets form when atmospheric water vapour condenses on small particles in the atmosphere called cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Typically, a cloud is composed of tiny spheres of water that range in diameter from a few micrometres to a few tens of micrometres. The number of cloud droplets per cubic centimetre ranges from less than 100 to more than 1,000; 200 droplets per cubic centimetre is approximately an average value. Clouds over the ocean typically have fewer cloud droplets per cubic centimetre than their counterparts over land, since fewer CCN are present in marine air.

      An important characteristic of a cloud is its temperature. When it is everywhere above 0° C, the cloud is said to be warm. Often, clouds develop at altitudes where temperatures are below 0° C, but the droplets do not freeze because of the purity of the water. Such clouds are said to be supercooled. In the atmosphere, supercooling to temperatures of −10° C or even −20° C is not unusual. The lower the temperature, the greater the likelihood that the droplets will intercept so-called ice nuclei, which cause them to freeze. At temperatures below about −40° C, virtually all clouds are composed of ice crystals.

      Many all-liquid clouds, whether warm or supercooled, are stable in the sense that the droplets are limited in size to a few tens of micrometres, and the clouds may last for some time without yielding rain or snow.

      Sometimes nature is deficient in ice nuclei, and as a result supercooled clouds may persist for many hours. When this is the case, the addition of ice nuclei can upset the cloud stability by causing ice crystals to form; these can then grow and result in precipitation.

      The introduction of any substance into clouds for the purpose of changing them is called cloud seeding. Warm clouds (above 0° C) have been seeded with materials such as sodium chloride or calcium chloride particles or by a water spray. The objective of these procedures is to produce giant cloud droplets that will grow by coalescence, fall, and sweep out smaller cloud droplets. Fogs over airports have been seeded in order to reduce the density of the cloud and to improve the visibility and ceiling conditions. Warm convective clouds have been seeded in an effort to increase rainfall.

      Aircraft have been used to dispense a water spray or salt particles. In some cases, salt-water sprays have been dispersed. Unfortunately, such solutions tend to be corrosive to aircraft surfaces and have to be handled carefully. In some programs sodium chloride particles in powdered form have been blown up from the ground.

      Most cloud-modification activities have been concerned with supercooled clouds and have involved seeding with ice nuclei. The first substance found to be effective as a cloud-seeding agent was Dry Ice. Its temperature is so low (about −78° C) that it causes ice crystals to form spontaneously from water vapour. It has been estimated that a gram of Dry Ice will produce at least 3 × 1010 ice crystals. The most common procedure for seeding with Dry Ice is to fly over a cloud and disperse crushed pellets, less than a millimetre to a few millimetres in diameter, along the path of flight. A typical seeding rate might be several kilograms of Dry Ice per kilometre of flight.

      Dry Ice is no longer widely employed as a cloud-seeding agent because it suffers from the disadvantage of having to be delivered to the supercooled regions of the cloud and from the fact that, once a pellet of Dry Ice has evaporated, it can no longer affect the cloud. Supercooled clouds are now most commonly seeded with tiny particles of silver iodide.

      There are many techniques for seeding with silver iodide. All of them produce large numbers of minute particles that range in diameter from about 0.01 to 0.1 micrometre. A common procedure is to dissolve silver iodide in a solution of sodium iodide in acetone. The concentration of silver iodide may range from 1 to 10 percent. When the solution is burned in a well-ventilated chamber at a temperature of about 1,100° C, a very large number of ice nuclei are produced. The concentration increases rapidly as the temperature decreases. A typical quantity at −10° C is 1013 ice nuclei per gram of silver iodide. Exposure to ultraviolet light causes rapid deactivation of the silver iodide nuclei. The concentrations of nuclei may decrease by perhaps a factor of 10 for each hour of exposure.

      In the United States, France, Switzerland, and Argentina, a great deal of the silver iodide seeding has been performed by means of ground generators. When this is the case, air currents are expected to transport the nuclei into the supercooled parts of the cloud.

      Experimenters in the United States, Australia, Israel, and other countries have also used airplanes for dispersing silver iodide particles. For the most part, silver iodide in acetone has been burned in generators suspended from the wings of one or more airplanes. In some tests pyrotechnical devices have been employed for this purpose. When they are dropped from above into clouds, a solid mixture of silver iodide and an inflammable substance is ignited.

      Soviet (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) experimenters relied on rockets fired from the ground. This procedure was first employed in Italy, but the Soviets refined it by employing a superior rocket in which the pyrotechnic mixture could be ignited anywhere along the path of flight. Also in the Soviet experiments a great deal of ice-nuclei seeding was performed by means of 70-millimetre artillery guns that fired projectiles containing 100 to 200 grams of lead iodide or silver iodide. At a predetermined position the projectile exploded and dispersed the ice nuclei.

      Most cloud-modification work has been concerned with changing the size of cloud particles or the buoyancy of the cloud air. A number of scientists have been interested in developing procedures for changing the electrical structure of clouds. One practical goal has been the reduction of the number of forest fires caused by lightning. Small clouds have been modified electrically by releasing large quantities of ions from a long piece of wire mounted near the ground.

      Attempts to change the electrical nature of large thunderstorms have involved seeding with ice nuclei and, in another set of experiments, with large numbers of short metal strips. The object has been to prevent the electrical charge of clouds from becoming so concentrated that a lightning stroke would occur.

fog dissipation (fog dispersal)
      In order for aircraft (aviation) to take off and land, it is necessary that the ceiling (the height of the cloud base above the ground) and visibility be above certain minimum values. It has been estimated that, in the United States alone, airport shutdowns by fog were costing the airlines many millions of dollars annually. The vital effect of low ceilings and visibilities on military aircraft operation was forcefully emphasized during World War II when Allied aircraft flew out of foggy England.

      During the late 1930s attempts were made to dissipate fogs by seeding them with salt particles, in particular calcium chloride. Some success was experienced, but this technique did not appear to be practical. During the mid-1940s large quantities of heat were used to clear airport runways. The scheme called FIDO (Fog Investigation Dispersal Operations) employed kerosene burners along the runways. The heat they released decreased the relative humidity of the air and caused droplet evaporation and a sufficient improvement in ceiling and visibility to allow aircraft to land or take off.

      The dissipation of supercooled fogs by means of ice nuclei has been going on for many years. Tables have been prepared that specify the quantities of Dry Ice to be dispersed, depending on such factors as wind speed, cloud thickness, and temperature. A typical seeding rate might be about two kilograms per kilometre of flight. Special equipment has been developed for the purpose of dispensing Dry Ice flakes or pellets from an airplane or from the ground.

      Investigations have been made of the value of acoustical (acoustics) techniques for clearing fogs. Such schemes work well in a cloud chamber where standing sound waves can be set up, but there is no evidence that reasonable sound sources can effectively change the characteristics of fogs in the free atmosphere.

Precipitation modification
      Shortly after Schaefer's proof that Dry Ice seeding could modify supercooled stratus clouds, there were many projects aimed at increasing rain or snow by economically important amounts. The first cloud-seeding (cloud seeding) tests demonstrated that, in the course of dissipating stratiform clouds, some small amounts of snow fell that would not have fallen had there been no seeding. Certain meteorologists hypothesized that by seeding thick clouds it should be possible to cause substantial increases of rain or snow. Unfortunately, from the point of view of designing a scientific experiment that would put this hypothesis to the test, the thicker the cloud, the better the chance of natural precipitation. Cloud thickness alone does not allow a unique specification of the quantity of rain or snow. Other factors such as the strength and persistence of the cloud updraft, cloud-top temperature, the horizontal dimensions of the cloud, and its microphysical properties influence the amount of precipitation.

      The complex nature of clouds has so far thwarted attempts to develop quantitative forecasts of rainfall of sufficient accuracy to be used to evaluate a cloud-seeding scheme. Also, as is well known, precipitation is highly variable in space and time. As a result, it is not possible, on the basis of a physical theory, to answer satisfactorily the question, “How much rain or snow would have fallen if there had been no cloud seeding?”

      The most reliable evidence concerning the effects of cloud seeding has come from programs in which statistical techniques were employed to design experiments and test hypotheses dealing with the effectiveness of any particular cloud-seeding scheme. Many experimental designs and evaluating procedures have been used since the late 1940s. There have been many disagreements among scientists and statisticians about the interpretation of programs that have been conducted in the past.

      A question of fundamental importance has been raised about the scientific value of precipitation-augmentation projects conducted by private or commercial interests. Such operations usually have been based on the assumption that seeding would increase precipitation. They have not been conducted as experiments designed to test whether or not such would be the result. Certain prominent statisticians have taken the position that because these projects have not purposefully incorporatedrandomizedor other control procedures to reduce the effects of bias by the operators, the data they have yielded cannot be used to test the efficacy of cloud seeding. On these grounds, in 1957 optimistic conclusions by the U.S. Advisory Committee on Weather Control on the effectiveness of cloud seeding were rejected by various statisticians. The final report of the committee concluded that precipitation from winter supercooled clouds over the mountainous western United States was increased by some 10 to 15 percent as a result of silver iodide seeding. In 1966 a special panel of the National Academy of Sciences, again employing data mostly derived from private or commercial operators, arrived at almost the same conclusion. Since the late 1990s, silver iodide is routinely used to seed winter supercooled clouds over the mountainous western United States in order to increase the snowpack.

      The most recent evidence indicates that sometimes ice-nuclei seeding may increase precipitation from certain supercooled clouds by some tens of percent. In other circumstances the seeding may lead to decreases of about the same magnitude. In still other meteorological situations seeding is ineffective. With a few exceptions it still is not possible to specify the conditions under which positive or negative effects would be expected to occur. It appears that in certain types of supercooled clouds the temperature at the upper boundary of the cloud is an important but not sole indicator of the most likely effects of ice-nuclei seeding.

      Since the late 1960s, increasing effort has been made to develop mathematical models (mathematical model) of clouds and cloud systems. Once an accurate model exists, it is possible to calculate the expected results of ice-nuclei seeding by means of a computer. This approach was employed by Joanne Simpson of the U.S. Environmental Science Services Administration and others to test the effects of heavy doses of silver iodide on cumulonimbus clouds. She found that the effects of ice nuclei on large convective clouds conformed closely with theoretical predictions. Certain specified clouds were caused to grow and to produce more rain than they would have if they had not been seeded.

      An important but still unresolved question deals with effects of cloud seeding on precipitation downwind from the target area. For the most part studies have shown excesses of precipitation, but there still exists the possibility of decreases not only far downwind but in all other directions as well.

      A number of tests have been made to stimulate rainfall from warm cumulus clouds by seeding them with sodium chloride particles. Experiments in India and certain other countries were reported to have increased the amount of rainfall successfully.

Modification of other weather phenomena
Electricity in clouds (cloud)
      Various schemes have been employed to modify the electrical nature of clouds and the occurrence of cloud-to-ground lightning. Research has shown that by releasing large quantities of ions near the ground, it is possible to influence the electric properties of small cumulus clouds. This does not mean, however, that large clouds could be influenced in this manner. Attempts to create electrical discharges artificially in order to prevent lightning from striking rockets on the launchpad is an area of active research at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

      There is no convincing evidence supporting the assertion that the release of electrically charged particles will influence the precipitation from fogs or clouds.

      An extensive program dealing with the modification of lightning storms has been conducted by the U.S. Forest Service. Potential lightning storms were seeded heavily with silver iodide nuclei. The lightning characteristics of some traveling thunderstorms apparently were changed, but it still was not demonstrated conclusively that cloud-to-ground lightning can be reduced.

hail suppression
      In many areas of the world hail does enormous destruction to agriculture, particularly fruit orchards and grain fields. There have been cloud-seeding projects aimed at reducing hail damage. Some operations have attempted to put so many nuclei into the supercooled parts of cumulonimbus that they would be almost totally converted to ice crystals. Such a procedure, called overseeding, is not considered practical because of the large quantities of material needed to seed the clouds over an area great enough to have an appreciable effect.

      Most hail-suppression attempts have been based on the concept that damage will be reduced if the hailstone sizes are reduced. This does not require overseeding. Consider, for example, an unseeded cloud that produces one hailstone having a two-centimetre diameter in each cubic metre of air. If ice-nuclei seeding could cause 100 uniform hailstones in the same volume from the same available quantity of supercooled water, their diameters would be about 0.4 centimetre. The small stones would melt as they fell through the layer of warm air below the freezing level. Even if they did not melt completely to form rain, by the time the hailstones reached the ground they would be too small to do any serious damage.

      Silver iodide seeding of potential hailstorms has been carried out in many countries. Most of the ice nuclei have been dispersed from ground-based or aircraft-mounted generators. In Switzerland it appeared that there may have been more hail produced by seeding. In Argentina the results seemed to depend on the type of weather situation. In the United States varying results have been reported.

      Soviet (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) experimenters injected ice nuclei directly into the supercooled parts of clouds by means of rockets or artillery. In the latter technique a projectile explodes and disperses the nuclei. The rockets carry a cylinder of a pyrotechnic substance impregnated with silver iodide or lead iodide. It passes through the cloud while burning for a period of 45 seconds. Spectacular success in hail reduction was reported by Soviet scientists. The benefit-to-cost ratios cited ranged from 4 to 1 up to 17 to 1. There have been no independent tests of these procedures, and as a result many other atmospheric scientists have hesitated to accept the claims of success at face value.

Severe storms
      Hurricanes (hurricane) can cause widespread destruction and human misery. An average hurricane has tremendous energy. In one day the energy released is about 1.6 × 1013 kilowatt-hours, or at least 8,000 times more than the electrical power generated each day in the United States. This quantity is equivalent to a daily explosion of 500,000 atomic bombs of the 20-kiloton Nagasaki variety. These numbers should make it clear that it would be impractical to attempt to modify hurricanes by a brute force approach. It is necessary to find a means whereby a small input of energy may upset a natural instability and lead to large results. Ice-nuclei seeding is one such approach that has been investigated in the past.

      The first hurricane-seeding test was carried out in 1947 by Irving Langmuir and his colleagues, who distributed about 91 kilograms of crushed Dry Ice in a storm. They apparently were convinced that the seeding caused a change in the track followed by the storm.

      On Aug. 18 and 20, 1969, Hurricane Debbie was seeded as a part of Project Stormfury, a series of hurricane-modification experiments conducted by the Environmental Science Services Administration and the U.S. Navy. Heavy doses of silver iodide were dropped into the hurricane clouds from airplanes. The maximum measured wind speeds in the hurricane decreased by 31 and 15 percent on the two seeded days. On August 19, the day between the two flights, the storm reportedly reintensified.

      The results of this experiment were in the direction predicted by a mathematical model of a hypothetical hurricane. Because the measured winds in two hurricanes seeded in earlier years also decreased, Project Stormfury scientists were optimistic that hurricanes could be modified beneficially. Later studies, however, suggested that storm intensifications were part of natural cycles. Project Stormfury was discontinued in 1983, and there are no programs in hurricane modification currently active.

      The violent nature of tornadoes would appear to dictate substantial programs of research to increase our understanding and control of these storms. In fact, very little scientific attention has been devoted to attempts to modify tornadoes. It had been speculated that they might be influenced by firing rockets into them and distributing materials to modify their temperature structure or electrical properties. Unfortunately, so little is known about the tornadoes that few scientists have confidence that such schemes would be effective.

Changes in the radiation balance near the ground
      When air moves against a mountain slope, it is forced to rise, and as a result clouds and precipitation often are produced. Air moving over heated islands in the tropical oceans acts in a similar fashion even when the terrain is flat. The ground and the air over it warm up more than does the adjacent water. A rising convection current develops over the island. The result is that air moving over the island rises in a manner similar to that over a mountain. This is known as thethermal mountain effect.”

      Scientists of the Esso Research and Engineering Company proposed that by covering large areas with asphalt it might be possible, over land, to simulate the results observed over tropical islands. The black asphalt would become hotter than surrounding lighter soil. It has been speculated that this would lead to convective currents, a thermal mountain, and more precipitation. Research has demonstrated, however, that the decrease in soil evaporation and plant transpiration resulting from an asphalt covering would actually cause a reduction in cumulus convective rainfall.

Louis J. Battan Ed.

Additional Reading
National Research Council (U.S.) Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, Weather and Climate Modification: Problems and Prospects, 2 vol. (1966), an authoritative survey, supplemented by Weather and Climate Modification: Problems and Progress (1973); Georg Breuer, Weather Modification: Prospects and Problems (1979; originally published in German, 1976), a nontechnical examination of the subject; W.R.D. Sewell et al., Modifying the Weather: A Social Assessment (1973), a collection of symposium papers; William A. Thomas (ed.), Legal and Scientific Uncertainties of Weather Modification (1977); Robert G. Fleagle et al., Weather Modification in the Public Interest (1974), a review of weather modification research and activities and related public policy issues; G. Brant Foote and Charles A. Knight (eds.), Hail: A Review of Hail Science and Hail Suppression (1977); Arnett S. Dennis, Weather Modification by Cloud Seeding (1980); and W.N. Hess (ed.), Weather and Climate Modification (1974), a comprehensive account of all aspects of weather modification. Appropriate articles can be found in The Journal of Weather Modification (annual).Louis J. Battan Ed.

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