
annually, adv.
/an"yooh euhl/, adj.
1. of, for, or pertaining to a year; yearly: annual salary.
2. occurring or returning once a year: an annual celebration.
3. Bot. living only one growing season, as beans or corn.
4. performed or executed during a year: the annual course of the sun.
5. Entomol. living or lasting but one season or year, as certain insects or colonies of insects.
6. Bot. a plant living only one year or season.
7. a book, report, etc., published annually.
[1350-1400; < LL annualis, equiv. to L annu(us) yearly (deriv. of annus circuit of the sun, year) + -alis -AL1; r. ME annuel < AF < L]

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Any plant that completes its life cycle in a single growing season.

The dormant seed is the only part of an annual that survives from one growing season to the next. Annuals include many weeds, wildflowers, garden flowers, and vegetables. See also biennial, perennial.

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      Any plant that completes its life cycle in a single growing season. The dormant seed is the only part of an annual that survives from one growing season to the next. Annuals include many weeds (weed), wildflowers (wildflower), garden flowers, and vegetables (vegetable). See also biennial, perennial.

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Universalium. 2010.

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