wax sculpture

wax sculpture
Figures modeled or molded in beeswax, either as finished pieces or for use as forms for casting metal (see lost-wax casting) or creating preliminary models.

At ordinary temperatures, beeswax can be cut and molded easily, it melts at a low temperature, it mixes with any colouring matter and takes surface tints well, and its texture can be modified by a variety of additives. The ancient Egyptians used wax figures of deities in their funeral rites, and the Romans used wax images as presents in the Saturnalia. Michelangelo used wax models in making preliminary sketches for his statues. Wax medallion portraits, popular in the 16th century, enjoyed renewed popularity in the 18th century. John Flaxman made many wax portraits and relief figures which Josiah Wedgwood translated into pottery. Exhibitions of wax figures are still popular, the most famous being those of Madame Tussaud's museums in London and other international cities.

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      the preparation of finished figures in beeswax by modelling or molding or the use of such figures as a form for casting metal or creating preliminary models. At ordinary temperatures beeswax can be cut and shaped with facility; it melts to a limpid fluid at a low heat; it mixes with any colouring matter and takes surface tints well; and its texture and consistency may be modified by a number of earthy matters as well as by the addition of oils or fats.

      Wax figures of deities were used in the funeral rites of the ancient Egyptians and deposited in their graves; many of these are now in museums. Among the ancient Greeks wax figures were used largely as dolls for children. Statuettes of deities were also modelled for votive offerings and religious ceremonies, and wax images to which magical properties were attributed were treasured by the people. Wax figures and models held a still more important place among the Romans. The masks (effigies, or imagines) of ancestors, modelled in wax, were preserved by patrician families and were displayed on ceremonial occasions and carried in funeral processions. The closing days of the Saturnalia were known as Sigillaria because of the custom of making, toward the end of the festival, presents of wax models of fruit and waxen statuettes that were fashioned by the sigillarii, manufacturers of small figures in wax and other media. The practice of wax modelling can be traced through the Middle Ages, when votive offerings of wax figures were made to churches, and the memories of monarchs and great personages were preserved by wax masks. Malice and superstition were also expressed in the formation of wax images of hated persons, into the bodies of which long pins were thrust in the hope that deadly injury would be induced in the person represented. Belief in this form of black magic never died out completely.

      With the Renaissance in Italy, modelling in wax took a position of high importance, and it was practiced by some of the greatest of the early masters. The bronze medals of Pisanello and other famous medallists owe their value to the art qualities of the wax models from which they were cast by the cire-perdue (lost-wax) process. Wax models were also used by such great sculptors as Michelangelo and Giovanni da Bologna in making preliminary sketches for their statues. Wax medallion portraits were popular during the 16th century, and Antonio Abondio earned considerable celebrity as a practitioner of this form of art, working principally in Vienna and Prague at the imperial court.

      During the 17th century the polychromatic wax relief came into favour, especially in Spain and Italy. The most ambitious and successful sculptor to make reliefs of this type was Gaetano Giulio Zumbo, a Sicilian. In addition to artistic and religious works, he produced, in collaboration with the French surgeon Desnoues, anatomical models in waxa new invention for which both men subsequently claimed the credit.

      During the 18th century wax portrait medallions enjoyed renewed popularity. The foremost English practitioner was Isaac Gosset. Toward the end of the 18th century John Flaxman executed in wax many portraits and other relief figures, which Josiah Wedgwood translated into pottery for his jasperware. Exhibitions of waxworks were popular in the 18th century and have continued to be so. An exhibition of waxworks with mechanical motions was shown in Germany early in the 18th century and is described by Sir Richard Steele in the Tatler. The most famous permanent exhibition is that of (Mme) Marie Tussaud in London.

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