scorpion fish

scorpion fish
Any of the numerous species of carnivorous marine fish of the family Scorpaenidae, especially those in the genus Scorpaena, widely distributed in temperate and tropical waters.

They have large, spiny heads and strong, sometimes venomous, fin spines. Many species blend with their surroundings by virtue of their dull colour, but some are brightly coloured, often red. The largest species grow to about 40 in. (1 m) long. Scorpion fish lie quietly on the bottom, often among rocks. See also lionfish; redfish; rockfish; zebra fish.

California scorpion fish (Scorpaena guttata)

Bud Meese from Root Resources
EB Inc.

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 any of the numerous bottom-living marine fish of the family Scorpaenidae, especially those of the genus Scorpaena, widely distributed in temperate and tropical waters. Sometimes also called rockfish, or stonefish, because they commonly live among rocks, scorpion fish are perchlike fish with large, spiny heads and strong, sometimes venomous, fin spines. The fin spines, with or without venom, can produce deep and painful wounds.

      Many scorpion fish are rather dull in colour, but others are brighteroften some shade of red. The largest members of the family grow about 1 m (39 inches) long. Scorpion fish are carnivorous, generally sedentary fish. They often lie quietly on the bottom, and many blend closely with their surroundings by virtue of their colouring and (in some species) a variety of flaps and projections on the head and body. Better-known species include the redfish (q.v.) and the highly coloured, venomous lion-fish (q.v.).

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Universalium. 2010.

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