little theatre

little theatre
Movement in U.S. theatre to free dramatic forms and methods of production from the limitations of the large commercial theatres by establishing small experimental centres of drama.

Young dramatists, stage designers, and actors influenced by the vital European theatre of the late 19th century, especially by the theories of Max Reinhardt, established community playhouses such as the Little Theatre, New York City (1912), the Little Theatre, Chicago (1912), and the Toy Theatre, Boston (1912). A few became important commercial producers; the Washington Square Players (1915), for example, later became the Theatre Guild (1918). Playwrights such as Eugene O'Neill, George S. Kaufman, and Maxwell Anderson found their early opportunities in the little theatres.

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American theatrical movement
      movement in U.S. theatre to free dramatic forms and methods of production from the limitations of the large commercial theatres by establishing small experimental centres of drama.

      The movement was initiated at the beginning of the 20th century by young dramatists, stage designers, and actors who were influenced by the vital European theatre of the late 19th century; they were especially impressed by the revolutionary theories of the German director Max Reinhardt, the designing concepts of Adolphe Appia and Gordon Craig, and the staging experiments at such theatres as the Théâtre-Libre of Paris, the Freie Bühne in Berlin, and the Moscow Art Theatre. Community playhouses such as the Toy Theatre in Boston (1912), the Little Theatre in Chicago (1912), and the Little Theatre, New York City (1912) were centres of the experimental activity. Some groups owned or leased their own theatres; a few, such as the Washington Square Players (1915), the predecessor of the Theatre Guild (1918), became important commercial producers. By encouraging freedom of expression, staging the works of talented young writers, and choosing plays solely on the basis of artistic merit, the little theatres provided a valuable early opportunity for such playwrights as Eugene O'Neill, George S. Kaufman, Elmer Rice, Maxwell Anderson, and Robert E. Sherwood.

      Comparable theatres were also established in Canada around the same time. The Arts and Letters Club (1908), the Hart House Theatre at the University of Toronto (1919), and the Play Workshop (1934) are all notable examples. As in the United States, many of the playwrights who got their start in these theatresincluding Herman Voaden, Merrill Denison, and W.A. Tremaynewent on to anchor early professional theatres.

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  • little theatre — noun a small theater for experimental drama or collegiate or community groups • Syn: ↑little theater • Hypernyms: ↑theater, ↑theatre, ↑house * * * little theatre noun A small theatre, usu one in which experimental plays, and other plays not… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Little Theatre Movement — The Little Theater Movement was a social development of theater in the United States starting in 1912. After the new cinema replaced theater as a source of large scale spectacle, much American drama became focussed, intimate, noncommercial, and… …   Wikipedia

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