gamma decay

gamma decay
Type of radioactivity in the most common form of which an unstable atomic nucleus dissipates energy by gamma emission, producing gamma rays.

Gamma decay also includes two other processes, internal conversion and internal pair production. In internal conversion, excess energy in a nucleus is transferred to one of its own orbiting electrons and the electron is ejected from the atom. In internal pair production, excess energy is converted into an electron and a positron, which are emitted together. Typical half-lives (see half-life) for gamma emission range from about 10-9 to 10-14 second.

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      type of radioactivity in which some unstable atomic nuclei dissipate excess energy by a spontaneous electromagnetic process. In the most common form of gamma decay, known as gamma emission, gamma rays (gamma ray) (photons, or packets of electromagnetic energy, of extremely short wavelength) are radiated. Gamma decay also includes two other electromagnetic processes, internal conversion and internal pair production. In internal conversion, excess energy in a nucleus is directly transferred to one of its own orbiting electrons, thereby ejecting the electron from the atom. In internal pair production, excess energy is directly converted within the electromagnetic field of a nucleus into an electron and a positron (positively charged electron) that are emitted together. Internal conversion always accompanies the predominant process of gamma emission to some extent. Some nuclei of a sample decay by gamma emission, others by internal conversion. internal pair production requires that the excess energy of the unstable nucleus be at least equivalent to the combined masses of an electron and a positron (that is, in excess of 1,020,000 electron volts).

      The unstable nuclei that undergo gamma decay are the products either of other types of radioactivity (alpha and beta decay) or of some other nuclear process, such as neutron capture in a nuclear reactor. These product nuclei have more than their normal energy, which they lose in discrete amounts as gamma-ray photons until they reach their lowest energy level, or ground state.

      Typical half-lives for gamma emission are immeasurably short (from about 10-9 to 10−14 second). When the half-lives for gamma emission are measurable, the nucleus in the higher energy state before radiating a photon and the one in the lower energy state are called nuclear isomers. See also isomer.

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