Wallace, Alfred Russel

Wallace, Alfred Russel
born Jan. 8, 1823, Usk, Monmouthshire, Wales
died Nov. 7, 1913, Broadstone, Dorset, Eng.

British naturalist.

Though trained as a surveyor and architect, he became interested in botany and traveled to the Amazon in 1848 to collect specimens. In 185462 he toured the Malay Archipelago, augmenting his collection. His observations of the islands led to his developing a theory of the origin of species through natural selection independently of, and simultaneously with, Charles Darwin, though Darwin developed his own theory in much greater detail, provided far more evidence for it, and was mainly responsible for its acceptance. Unlike Darwin, Wallace insisted that the higher mental capacities of humans could not have arisen by natural selection but that some nonbiological agency must have been responsible. He hypothesized a boundary (Wallace's line) running between the islands of the Malay Archipelago, between the Oriental and Australasian faunal regions, many animals abundant on one side being absent on the other. In the realm of public policy he supported socialism, pacifism, land nationalization, and women's suffrage. His works include Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection (1870), Geographical Distribution of Animals (2 vol., 1876), and Darwinism (1889).

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British naturalist
born Jan. 8, 1823, Usk, Monmouthshire, Wales
died Nov. 7, 1913, Broadstone, Dorset, Eng.
 British humanist, naturalist, geographer, and social critic. He became a public figure in England during the second half of the 19th century, known for his courageous views on scientific, social, and spiritualist subjects. His formulation of the theory of evolution (evolution) by natural selection, which predated Charles Darwin (Darwin, Charles)'s published contributions, is his most outstanding legacy, but it was just one of many controversial issues he studied and wrote about during his lifetime. Wallace's wide-ranging interestsfrom socialism to spiritualism, from island biogeography to life on Mars, from evolution to land nationalizationstemmed from his profound concern with the moral, social, and political values of human life.

Early life and work
      The eighth of nine children born to Thomas Vere Wallace and Mary Anne Greenell, Alfred Russel Wallace grew up in modest circumstances in rural Wales and then in Hertford, Hertfordshire, England. His formal education was limited to six years at the one-room Hertford Grammar School. Although his education was curtailed by the family's worsening financial situation, his home was a rich source of books, maps, and gardening activities, which Wallace remembered as enduring sources of learning and pleasure. Wallace's parents belonged to the Church of England (England, Church of), and as a child Wallace attended services. His lack of enthusiasm for organized religion became more pronounced when he was exposed to secular teachings at a London mechanics' institute, theHall of Scienceoff Tottenham Court Road. Living in London with his brother John, an apprentice carpenter, the 14-year-old Wallace became familiar with the lives of tradesmen and labourers, and he shared in their efforts at self-education. Here Wallace read treatises and attended lectures by Robert Owen (Owen, Robert)and his son Robert Dale Owen (Owen, Robert Dale) that formed the basis of his religious skepticism and his reformist and socialist political philosophy.

      In 1837 Wallace became an apprentice in the surveying business of his eldest brother, William. New tax laws (Tithe Commutation Act, 1836) and the division of public land among landowners (General Enclosures Act, 1845) created a demand for accurate surveys and maps of farmlands, public lands, and parishes, as surveys and maps made according to regulations were legal documents in executing these laws. For approximately 8 of the next 10 years, Wallace surveyed and mapped in Bedfordshire and then in Wales. He lived among farmers and artisans and saw the injustices suffered by the poor as a result of the new laws. Wallace's detailed observations of their habits are recorded in one of his first writing efforts, an essay onthe South Wales Farmer,” which is reproduced in his autobiography. When surveying work could not be found as a result of violent uprisings by the Welsh farmers, Wallace spent a year (1844) teaching at a boys' school, the Collegiate School in Leicester, Leicestershire, England. After his brother William died in early 1845, Wallace worked in London and Wales, saw to his brother's business, surveyed for a proposed railway line, and built a mechanics' institute at Neath, Wales, with his brother John.

The career of a naturalist
      As a surveyor, Wallace spent a great deal of time outdoors, both for work and pleasure. An enthusiastic amateur naturalist with an intellectual bent, he read widely in natural history, history, and political economy, including works by William Swainson, Charles Darwin, Alexander von Humboldt (Humboldt, Alexander von), and Thomas Malthus. He also read works and attended lectures on phrenology and mesmerism, forming an interest in nonmaterial mental phenomena that grew increasingly prominent later in his life. Inspired by reading about organic evolution in Robert Chambers (Chambers, Robert)'s controversial Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (1844), unemployed, and ardent in his love of nature, Wallace and his naturalist friend Henry Walter Bates (Bates, H.W.), who had introduced Wallace to entomology four years earlier, traveled to Brazil in 1848 as self-employed specimen collectors. Wallace and Bates participated in the culture of natural history collecting, honing practical skills to identify, collect, and send back to England biological objects that were highly valued in the flourishing trade in natural specimens. The two young men amicably parted ways after several joint collecting ventures; Bates spent 11 years in the region, while Wallace spent a total of four years traveling, collecting, mapping, drawing, and writing in unexplored regions of the Amazon River basin. He studied the languages and habits of the peoples he encountered; he collected butterflies, other insects, and birds; and he searched for clues to solve the mystery of the origin of plant and animal species. Except for one shipment of specimens sent to his agent in London, however, most of Wallace's collections were lost on his voyage home when his ship went up in flames and sank. Nevertheless, he managed to save some of his notes before his rescue and return journey. From these he published several scientific articles, two books (Palm Trees of the Amazon and Their Uses and Narrative of Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, both 1853), and a map depicting the course of the Negro River. These won him acclaim from the Royal Geographical Society, which helped to fund his next collecting venture, in the Malay Archipelago.

      Wallace spent eight years in the Malay Archipelago, from 1854 to 1862, traveling among the islands, collecting biological specimens for his own research and for sale, and writing scores of scientific articles on mostly zoological subjects. Among these were two extraordinary articles dealing with the origin of new species (speciation). The first of these, published in 1855, concluded with the assertion thatevery species has come into existence coincident both in space and time with a pre-existing closely allied species.” Wallace then proposed that new species arise by the progression and continued divergence of varieties that outlive the parent species in the struggle for existence. In early 1858 he sent a paper outlining these ideas to Darwin (Darwin, Charles), who saw such a striking coincidence to his own theory that he consulted his closest colleagues, the geologist Charles Lyell (Lyell, Sir Charles, Baronet) and the botanist Joseph Dalton Hooker (Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton). The three men decided to present two extracts of Darwin's previous writings, along with Wallace's paper, to the Linnean Society. The resulting set of papers, with both Darwin's and Wallace's names, was published as a single article entitledOn the Tendency of Species to Form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selectionin the Proceedings of the Linnean Society in 1858. This compromise sought to avoid a conflict of priority interests and was reached without Wallace's knowledge. Wallace's research on the geographic distribution of animals among the islands of the Malay Archipelago provided crucial evidence for his evolutionary theories and led him to devise what soon became known as Wallace's Line, the boundary that separates the fauna of Australia from that of Asia.

      Wallace returned to England in 1862 an established natural scientist and geographer, as well as a collector of more than 125,000 animal specimens. He married Annie Mitten (18481914), with whom he raised three children (Herbert died at age 4, whereas Violet and William survived their father), published a highly successful narrative of his journey, The Malay Archipelago: The Land of the Orang-Utan, and the Bird of Paradise (1869), and wrote Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection (1870). In the latter volume and in several articles from this period on human evolution and spiritualism, Wallace parted from the scientific naturalism of many of his friends and colleagues in claiming that natural selection could not account for the higher faculties of human beings.

      The Wallace family moved several times, from Inner London to the outer borough of Barking, to Grays in Essex, and then south to Dorking, Surrey, to the outer borough of Croydon, to Godalming, Surrey, then to Parkstone and finally Broadstone, both in Dorset. Wallace built three of his family's houses, and at each he and his wife kept gardens. Although he applied for several jobs, Wallace never held a permanent position. He lost the profits from his collections through bad investments and other financial misfortunes. His income was limited to earnings from his writings, from grading school exams (which he did for some 25 years), and from a small inheritance from a relative. In 1881 he was added to the Civil List, thanks largely to the efforts of Darwin and T.H. Huxley (Huxley, T.H.).

      Wallace's two-volume Geographical Distribution of Animals (1876) and Island Life (1880) became the standard authorities in zoogeography and island biogeography, synthesizing knowledge about the distribution and dispersal of living and extinct animals in an evolutionary framework. For the ninth edition of Encyclopædia Britannica (187589), he wrote the articleAcclimatisation” (adaptation) and the animal life section of the articleDistribution.” He also lectured in the British Isles and in the United States and traveled on the European continent. In addition to his major scientific works, Wallace actively pursued a variety of social and political interests. In writings and public appearances he opposed vaccination, eugenics, and vivisection while strongly supporting women's rights and land nationalization. Foremost among these commitments was an increasing engagement with spiritualism in his personal and public capacities.

      Wallace received several awards, including the Royal Society of London's Royal Medal (1868), Darwin Medal (1890; for his independent origination of the origin of species by natural selection), Copley Medal (1908), and Order of Merit (1908); the Linnean Society of London's Gold Medal (1892) and Darwin-Wallace Medal (1908); and the Royal Geographical Society's Founder's Medal (1892). He was also awarded honorary doctorates from the Universities of Dublin (1882) and Oxford (1889) and won election to the Royal Society (1893).

      Wallace published 21 books, and the list of his articles, essays, and letters in periodicals contains more than 700 items. Yet his career eludes simple description or honorifics. He was keenly intellectual but no less spiritual, a distinguished scientist and a spokesman for unpopular causes, a gifted naturalist who never lost his boyish enthusiasm for nature, a prolific and lucid writer, a committed socialist, a seeker of truth, and a domestic, modest individual. His engagement with progressive politics and spiritualism likely contributed to his lack of employment and to his somewhat peripheral status in the historical record. What touched those who knew him was his compassion, his humanness and sympathy, and his lack of pretense or acquired pride. Wallace died in his 91st year and was buried in Broadstone, to be joined there by his widow the following year. A commemorative medallion in his honour was unveiled at Westminster Abbey in 1915.

Jane R. Camerini

Additional Reading
Standard sources on Wallace include his autobiography, My Life: A Record of Events and Opinions, 2 vol. (1905, reissued 1974); James Marchant, Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences (1916, reprinted 1975); and Charles H. Smith (ed.), Alfred Russel Wallace: An Anthology of His Shorter Writings (1991), which contains a comprehensive bibliography of Wallace's writings and a bibliography of major secondary sources. Biographies include Wilma George, Biologist Philosopher: A Study of the Life and Writings of Alfred Russel Wallace (1964); Harry Clements, Alfred Russel Wallace (1983); and Martin Fichman, Alfred Russel Wallace (1981). Books focusing on Wallace's formulation of the theory of evolution by natural selection are H. Lewis McKinney, Wallace and Natural Selection (1972); and John Langdon Brooks, Just Before the Origin: Alfred Russel Wallace's Theory of Evolution (1984). Timothy Severin, The Spice Islands Voyage (1997), lavishly illustrated, is a combined biography-travelogue, tracing Wallace's work in the Malay Archipelago.A full treatment of Wallace's Line is given in Jane R. Camerini, “Evolution, Biogeography, and Maps: An Early History of Wallace's Line,” Isis, 84(4):700727 (December 1993). David Quammen, The Song of the Dodo (1996), is an excellent nontechnical account of Wallace's evolutionary biogeography. A significant interpretation of Wallace's evolutionary theories can be found in James Moore, “Wallace's Malthusian Moment: The Common Context Revisited,” in Bernard Lightman (ed.), Victorian Science in Context (1997), pp. 290311.Jane R. Camerini

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