- phrenology
/fri nol"euh jee, fre-/, n.a psychological theory or analytical method based on the belief that certain mental faculties and character traits are indicated by the configurations of the skull.[1795-1805, Amer.; PHRENO- + -LOGY]
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Franz Joseph Gall stated the principle that each of the innate mental faculties is based in a specific brain region ("organ"), whose size reflects the faculty's prominence in a person and is reflected by the skull's surface. He examined the skulls of persons with particular traits (including "criminal" traits) for a feature he could identify with it. His followers Johann Kaspar Spurzheim (1776–1832) and George Combe (1788–1858) divided the scalp into areas they labeled with traits such as combativeness, cautiousness, and form perception. Though popular well into the 20th century, phrenology has been wholly discredited.* * *
▪ pseudoscientific practicethe study of the conformation of the skull as indicative of mental (mental hygiene) faculties and traits of character, especially according to the hypotheses of Franz-Joseph Gall (Gall, Franz Joseph) (1758–1828), a Viennese doctor, and such 19th-century adherents as Johann Kaspar Spurzheim (1776–1832) and George Combe (1788–1858). Phrenology enjoyed great popular appeal well into the 20th century but was wholly discredited by scientific research.The principles upon which phrenology was based were five: (1) the brain is the organ of the mind; (2) human mental powers can be analyzed into a definite number of independent faculties; (3) these faculties are innate, and each has its seat in a definite region of the surface of the brain; (4) the size of each such region is the measure of the degree to which the faculty seated in it forms a constituent element in the character of the individual; (5) the correspondence between the outer surface of the skull and the contour of the brain-surface beneath is sufficiently close to enable the observer to recognize the relative sizes of these several organs by the examination of the outer surface of the head.The system of Gall was constructed by a method of pure empiricism, and his so-called organs were identified on quite specious grounds. Having arbitrarily selected the place of a faculty, he examined the heads of his friends and casts of persons with that peculiarity in common, and in them he sought for the distinctive feature of their characteristic trait. Some of his earlier studies were made among inmates of jails and lunatic asylums, and some of the traits that he presumed to detect were “criminal.” These he named after their excessive manifestations, mapping out organs of murder, theft, etc. However, the names were changed by Spurzheim to align with more moral and religious considerations. Gall marked out on his model of the head the places of 26 organs as round enclosures with vacant interspaces. Spurzheim and Combe divided the whole scalp into oblong and conterminous patches identified by such designations as amativeness, philoprogenitiveness, concentrativeness, adhesiveness, combativeness, destructiveness, secretiveness, acquisitiveness, constructiveness, self-esteem, love of approbation, cautiousness, benevolence, veneration, conscientiousness, firmness, hope, wonder, ideality, wit, imitativeness, individuality, form perception, size perception, weight perception, colour perception, locality perception, number perception, order perception, memory of things, time perception, tune perception, linguistic perception, comparative understanding, and metaphysical spirit.* * *
Universalium. 2010.