Sturzo, Luigi

Sturzo, Luigi
born Nov. 26, 1871, Caltagirone, Sicily
died Aug. 8, 1959, Rome, Italy

Italian priest and political leader.

Ordained a priest in 1894, he earned a doctorate in Rome, then returned to his native Sicily to help the oppressed miners and peasants. As mayor of Caltagirone (190520), he built community housing and other public works. In 1919 he founded the Italian Popular Party and became its political secretary. Refusing to support Benito Mussolini, he went into exile in 1924. He returned in 1946, when his political movement was revived as the Christian Democratic Party. In 1952 he was appointed senator for life. He wrote several works of Christian social philosophy, including Church and State (1939) and Italy and the Coming World (1945).

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Italian priest and political figure

born Nov. 26, 1871, Caltagirone, Sicily
died Aug. 8, 1959, Rome
 Italian priest, public official, and political organizer who founded a party that was a forerunner of the Italian Christian Democrat movement.

      Sturzo studied at the seminary of Caltagirone, where he was ordained a priest of the Roman Catholic Church in 1894. He received a Doctorate in Divinity from the Gregorian University in Rome and an equivalent diploma in Thomism from the Academy of Thomist Philosophy. Moved by the harsh repression of Sicilian sulfur miners and peasants in the 1890s, he returned to Caltagirone and set about their political organization. He founded the newspaper La Croce di Constantino and resisted government actions to disband Catholic and Socialist workers' associations. He served as mayor of Caltagirone (190520), building community housing and other public works. He also taught at the local seminary and served as provincial councillor for Catania.

      In January 1919 Sturzo founded the Partito Popolare Italiano ( Italian Popular Party) and became its political secretary. In the elections of November 1919 the new party captured 101 of 508 seats in the Chamber of Deputies. Though he did not accept a post himself, he became a force in the composition of later cabinets. Having refused support to the Fascist regime of Benito Mussolini in October 1922, Sturzo retired to a monastery in July 1923 and went into exile in October 1924.

      Sturzo returned to Italy in 1946, when his movement was revived as the Democrazia Cristiana (Christian Democratic Party [now Italian Popular Party (Italian Popular Party); q.v.]). In 1952 the president of Italy appointed him a senator for life.

      Sturzo was the author of several major works of Christian social philosophy, including Church and State (1939), The True Life (1943), The Inner Laws of Society (1944), Spiritual Problems of Our Times (1945), and Italy and the Coming World (1945).

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