- Paul, Les
U.S. guitarist and inventor.He played many styles of popular music, initially country but later jazz, and in the 1940s he was a sideman for Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby. He invented the first solid-body electric guitar and was instrumental in developing modern multitrack recording. His overdubbed, sped-up recordings from the late 1940s and early 1950sincluding "Brazil" (1948), "Nola" (1950), and "How High the Moon" (1951), often with his wife, Mary Ford (1924–77) singing multiple harmony partsdemonstrated the potential of tape. He continued to perform occasionally into his 80s.
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▪ American inventor and musicianbyname of Lester Polfusborn June 9, 1915, Waukesha, Wis., U.S.American jazz and country guitarist and inventor.Paul designed a solid-body electric guitar in 1941, but, by the time the Les Paul Standard was ready for production by the Gibson Guitar Company in 1952, Leo Fender (Fender, Leo) had already mass-produced the Fender Broadcaster four years earlier, thus beating Paul to popular credit for the invention. Nonetheless, the Les Paul acquired a devoted following, and its versatility and balance made it the favoured instrument of such figures as Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin) and Peter Frampton. Before focusing his attention on electric guitar design, Paul was a working country (country music) and jazz musician—performing with his own Les Paul Trio in the 1930s and with singers such as Bing Crosby (Crosby, Bing) and the Andrews Sisters in the 1940s—and for a time had his own radio program in Chicago. In the 1950s, while continuing to perform—mostly with his wife, Mary Ford (original name Colleen Summers; b. July 7, 1924, Pasadena, Calif.—d. Sept. 30, 1977, Los Angeles, Calif.)—Paul pioneered the development of multitrack recording and is credited with having invented the first eight-track tape recorder and the technique of overdubbing.* * *
Universalium. 2010.