
/waw"ki shaw'/, n.
a city in SE Wisconsin, W of Milwaukee. 50,319.

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      city, seat (1846) of Waukesha county, southeastern Wisconsin, U.S. It is situated on the Fox River, about 15 miles (25 km) west of Milwaukee. The site was settled by Morris D. Cutler in 1834 near a Potawatomi Indian village and called Prairieville. In 1846 it was renamed Waukesha (Potawatomi:By the Little Fox”). A station on the Underground Railroad for runaway slaves, it was an abolitionist (abolitionism) centre before the American Civil War and was where the antislavery American Freeman was published from 1844 to 1848. From about 1870 to 1910, Waukesha was a health resort known for its mineral springs (which were said to possess the ability to cure ailments); later, until the mid-20th century, its mud baths were a popular tourist attraction. Diversified industriesincluding foundries, food processing, printing, and the manufacture of medical equipment, electrical equipment, and enginesare now economic mainstays.

      Waukesha lies in the kettle moraine region of the state, where hills, ridges, and lake-filled hollows were left by the glaciers; the southern portion of Kettle Moraine State Forest (southern unit), through which a section of Ice Age National Scenic Trail passes, is southwest of the city, and nearby is Lapham Peak State Park. The city is the seat of Carroll College (1846) and the two-year University of Wisconsin (Wisconsin, University of)–Waukesha (1966). The local historical museum is housed in the former county courthouse building (built 1893). Old World Wisconsin, a 600-acre (240-hectare) historical site about 20 miles (30 km) southwest of Waukesha, contains restored buildings and re-creations of the pioneer life of the different ethnic groups that settled the state in the 19th century. Waukesha is the birthplace of Les Paul (Paul, Les), the inventor of the electric guitar. Inc. city, 1896. Pop. (1990) city, 56,958; Milwaukee-Waukesha PMSA, 1,432,149; (2000) city, 64,825; Milwaukee-Waukesha PMSA, 1,500,741.

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