Nicolet, Jean

Nicolet, Jean
born 1598, Cherbourg, France
died Nov. 1, 1642, Sillery, Que., Can.

French explorer in North America.

In 1618 he traveled to New France, where he lived with Indian tribes. He learned several Indian languages and became the interpreter for the French colony at Three Rivers (1633). He journeyed into Huron territory, canoeing with several Indians through the Straits of Mackinac to became the first European to see Lake Michigan (1634). He later explored the region of present-day Wisconsin.

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French explorer
born 1598, Cherbourg, France
died Nov. 1, 1642, Sillery, Que., Can.

      French North American explorer who was the first known European to discover Lake Michigan and what is now the state of Wisconsin.

      The son of a dispatch carrier, Nicolet was 20 years old when he traveled to New France (Canada) at the request of Samuel de Champlain. He lived with a friendly Indian tribe on Allumette Island in the Ottawa River, learned the Algonquian language and culture, and participated in negotiations with the Iroquois. He returned to Quebec in 1620 and was then sent to live among the distant Nipissing tribe. In 1624 he became their interpreter. Nine years later he returned to the Three Rivers settlement in New France and became the colony's official interpreter.

      In early 1634 Nicolet joined an expedition that journeyed westward into the Huron territory. There he obtained a large canoe and with seven Huron braves proceeded from Lake Huron through the Straits of Mackinac to discover Lake Michigan. The lake was not the Northwest Passage to the Pacific Ocean that Nicolet anticipated, but he sailed on to Green Bay and there concluded a friendship treaty with the Winnebago tribe.

      He explored the region of present-day Wisconsin for a short time before he returned to Quebec during the autumn of 1634. He resumed his duties as colony interpreter and earned considerable respect from both French settlers and local Indian tribes. Nicolet was drowned when his boat capsized during a sudden storm on the St. Lawrence River.

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