
/shair"boorg/; Fr. /sherdd boohrdd"/, n.
a seaport in NW France. 34,637.

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Seaport (pop., 1999: 25,370) and naval station, northwestern France.

Located on the English Channel, it is believed to occupy the site of an ancient Roman station. The French and English fought over the site in the Middle Ages. It was taken by the English in 1758, then passed to France and was extensively fortified by Louis XVI. In World War II the Germans held it until the Allies captured it in 1944; it became an important Allied supply port. Industries include transatlantic shipping, shipbuilding, and the manufacture of electronics and telephone equipment. Yachting and commercial fishing are also important.

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      naval station, fortified town, and seaport in Manche département, Basse-Normandie région, northwestern France. It lies along the English Channel, west-northwest of Paris, and is situated at the mouth of the small Divette River on the north shore of the Cotentin peninsula. The steep Roule Mountain nearby offers a panoramic view of the town. The port benefits from a remarkable harbour, well-sheltered except to the north, and is situated close to the great maritime routes that ply the English Channel. Although the port's general cargo traffic is now light, cross-channel passenger and freight traffic are important. Many industries depend on the port, notably the shipyards and the government naval dockyards (where nuclear submarines are built). Other industrial activities, some of which were originally relocated from Paris, include the manufacture of electronics and electronic equipment, clothing, and machinery. Cherbourg is also the focus of an important nuclear industry based around the power station at Flamanville and the waste recycling plant at the La Hague site. The town acts as a commercial and administrative centre for the northern Cotenin and has a technical university and graduate schools. A museum in the hôtel de ville (town hall) houses many paintings by the 19th-century French painter Jean-François Millet (Millet, Jean-François), who was born near the town. The Emmanuel-Liais park has interesting tree and plant specimens.

      In the 11th century Cherbourg was known as Carusburc and (like the rest of Normandy) was fought over by the French and English. Charles VII of France finally recovered it in 1450. The town was pillaged by the English in a surprise attack in 1758. A vast breakwater, begun under Louis XVI in 1776, was completed 70 years later and converted the town into a major military and commercial port. During World War II, most of the port installations were destroyed in the fighting when the town was taken from the Germans by Allied forces after the Normandy Invasion in June 1944. A temporary port was rapidly rebuilt and handled a vast quantity of war matériel until hostilities ended. A museum commemorating the invasion is located in the 19th-century Fort du Roule, which overlooks the town. Pop. (1999) 25,370; (2005 est.) 40,500.

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