

Ancient kingdom, northern Spain, bordered by France, Aragon, Castile, and the Basque Country.

It encompassed the modern autonomous community of Navarra and part of the modern French department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques. It was conquered by the Romans, then the Visigoths, and Charlemagne. It became an independent kingdom in the 10th century. A succession of French dynasties ruled Navarra after 1234. Incorporated into Castile in 1515, it was united to the French crown when Henry of Navarre became King Henry IV of France in 1589.

Autonomous community (pop., 2001: 555,829) and province, northern Spain.

Established in 1982, it has an area of 4,012 sq mi (10,391 sq km) and is bordered by France. It is approximately coextensive with the Spanish part of the historical kingdom of Navarra. The Pyrenees dominate the northern half of the province, and a Mediterranean climate prevails in the south. Manufacturing industries are clustered around the commercial centre and capital, Pamplona.
(as used in expressions)
Henry of Navarra
Margaret of Navarra
Henri de Navarre

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autonomous area, Spain

      comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of northern Spain. It is roughly coextensive with the Spanish portion of the historical kingdom of Navarra and coextensive with the modern provincia (province) of Navarra. Navarra is bordered by France to the north and by the autonomous communities of the Basque Country to the northwest, Aragon to the southeast, and La Rioja to the southwest. The autonomous community was established by the statute of autonomy of Aug. 10, 1982. The capital is Pamplona. Area 3,784 square miles (9,801 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 605,876.

      The Pyrenees mountain range extends southward from France and dominates the northern half of Navarra. A tangled relief of forested mountains and well-watered valleys covers the region. Pastoralism and dense stands of timber are the main sources of wealth. Precipitation is high in the Pyrenees and tapers off sharply toward the south. South-central Navarra consists of basins and hills that serve to focus commerce on Pamplona. In this transitional zone, cereal cultivation mingles with forestlands and livestock rearing. A Mediterranean climate prevails in the foothills and steppes of southern Navarra, which are drained by the Ebro River. The landscape there is more arid and monotonous, with cultivation of cereals.

      The population in Navarra is concentrated along the Ebro River and in Pamplona, where it has grown at the expense of towns in the lower Pyrenees. Large compact towns predominate in the south, and small villages predominate in the mountains, where the population has been depleted by emigration.

      Navarra's agricultural output has been kept relatively low by the fragmentation of farms, but the use of tractors and fertilizers in the autonomous community is well above the national average. Milk, wool, and wood are produced in the Pyrenees and their foothills, and wheat, corn (maize), grapes, tomatoes, and alfalfa (lucerne) are grown in the irrigated zones of the south. Navarra's manufacturing industries have expanded rapidly since the mid-20th century and are concentrated around Pamplona. The chief products include metal parts, processed foods and beverages, and paper. Services are also concentrated in Pamplona, which is the commercial centre of Navarra.

      The old kingdom of Navarra encompassed the modern autonomous community and extended north into the modern French département (department) of Basses-Pyrénées. It was known as the kingdom of Pamplona until the last half of the 12th century. The city of Pamplona was occupied by the Muslims after 711, but the Basque magnates of the region early achieved some autonomy, and about the year 798 one of them, Iñigo Arista, established himself as an independent ruler there and for a time accepted Frankish suzerainty. By the time of Garcia Iñiguez (c. 860880), this dynasty was strong enough to assume regal titles and to establish diplomatic and dynastic ties with the neighbouring Christian kingdom of Asturias. Under Sancho I Garcés (905925), the rulers of Pamplona expanded their dominions south of the Ebro River, capturing Nájera and much of La Rioja. Under Sancho III Garcés (100035), the Navarrese established a brief hegemony over all of Christian Spain. Sancho's empire proved short-lived, however, for at his death the kingdom was divided up into Navarra, Aragon, and Castile. In 1076 Sancho Ramírez of Aragon occupied Pamplona. Navarra was then ruled by the Aragonese crown until 1134, when it recovered its independence under Garcia IV, who reigned until 1150. A succession of French dynasties ruled Navarra after 1234.

      Though Navarra at an early date ceased to have a frontier with the Muslims, many Muslims continued to live there. They were allowed to serve in the army and also provided an important source of skilled artisans. Large Jewish congregations, aljamas, existed in the chief towns and were protected by the Navarrese kings when persecution became serious elsewhere. Despite its small size in the later Middle Ages, Navarra played an important part in international politics, partly because it controlled the main pass into Spain in the western Pyrenees and was a buffer state between Gascony, Castile, and Aragon. The chief pilgrim roads from the north to Santiago de Compostela also traversed the kingdom.

      In 1512 Ferdinand II of Aragon occupied the Spanish portion of Navarra, which was formally annexed to the Castilian crown in 1515. The Spanish portion was governed by a viceroy and retained many of its own laws and institutions until 1833, when it was fully incorporated into Spain. The French portion of Navarra, consisting of the northern slope of the western Pyrenees, remained a separate kingdom until 1589, when it was united with France.

Vicente Rodriguez

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Universalium. 2010.

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