Moro, Aldo

Moro, Aldo
born Sept. 23, 1916, Maglie, Italy
died May 9, 1978, near or in Rome

Italian politician and premier of Italy (196364, 196466, 196668, 197476, 1976).

A professor of law at the University of Bari, he was elected to the legislature in 1946. He served in several cabinet posts, then became secretary of the Christian Democrat Party (195963). As premier of Italy, he included socialists in his coalition governments. In 1976 he became president of the Christian Democrats and remained influential in Italian politics. In 1978 he was kidnapped in Rome by the Red Brigades; after the government refused to release Red Brigades members on trial in Turin, he was murdered by his captors.

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premier of Italy
born Sept. 23, 1916, Maglie, Italy
died May 9, 1978, Rome

      law professor, Italian statesman, and leader of the Christian Democratic Party, who served five times as premier of Italy (196364, 196466, 196668, 197476, and 1976). In 1978 he was kidnapped and subsequently murdered by left-wing terrorists.

      A professor of law at the University of Bari, Moro published several books on legal subjects and served as president of the Federazione Universitaria Cattolica Italiana (Federation of Italian University Catholics; 193942) and the Movimento Laureati Cattolici (Movement of Catholic Graduates; 194546). After World War II he was elected a deputy to the Constituent Assembly, which created the country's 1948 constitution, and to the legislature. He held a succession of cabinet posts, including undersecretary of foreign affairs (194850), minister of justice (195557), and minister of public instruction (195759).

      Moro took office as secretary of the Christian Democrats (later renamed the Italian Popular Party) during a crisis that threatened to split the party (March 1959). Although he was the leader of the Dorothean, or centrist, group of the Christian Democrats, he favoured forming a coalition with the Italian Socialist Party and helped bring about the resignation of the conservative Christian Democrat prime minister Fernando Tambroni (July 1960).

      When he was invited to form his own government in December 1963, Moro assembled a cabinet that included some Socialists, who were participating in the government for the first time in 16 years. He resigned after a defeat on a budget issue (June 26, 1964) but within a month formed a new cabinet much like the old one (July 22). After Amintore Fanfani (Fanfani, Amintore)'s resignation in 1965, Moro temporarily became his own foreign minister, renewing Italian pledges to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the United Nations.

      Italy's inflation and failing industrial growth prevented Moro from initiating many of the reforms he had envisaged, and this angered the Socialists, who effected his defeat in January 1966. He succeeded, however, in forming a new government on February 23. After the general elections in 1968, Moro, as is customary, resigned (June 5, 1968). He was foreign minister during 196972. In November 1974 he became premier with a coalition government, the second party being the Italian Republican Party, but this government fell on Jan. 7, 1976. Moro was again premier from February 12 to April 30, 1976, remaining in office as head of a caretaker government until early summer. In October 1976 he became president of the Christian Democrats and remained a powerful influence in Italian politics even though he held no public office.

      On March 16, 1978, while on his way to attend a special session of the legislature, Moro was kidnapped in Rome by members of the militant left-wing Red Brigades. After 54 days of captivity, during which government officials repeatedly refused to release 13 members of the Red Brigades on trial in Turin, Moro was murdered in or near Rome by the terrorist kidnappers. A series of trials and parliamentary investigations followed, and several members of the Red Brigades were convicted for their involvement; however, a number of mysteries still surround what became known as theMoro Affair.”

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