

One of four Confucian texts that, when published together in 1190 by Zhu Xi, made up the Four Books.

Scholars consider Lunyu the most reliable source of the doctrine of Confucius. It covers almost all the basic ethical concepts of Confucianism
for example, ren (benevolence), junzi (the superior man), Tian (Heaven), zhong yong (doctrine of the mean), li (proper conduct), and zheng ming (rectification of names). It also contains many direct quotations from Confucius and personal glimpses of the sage as recorded by his disciples. See also Neo-Confucianism; Zhong yong.

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Chinese text
ChineseConversationsWade-Giles romanization  Lun  

      one of four texts of Confucianism that, when published together in 1190 by the Neo-Confucian philosopher Zhu Xi, became the great Chinese classic known as Sishu (“Four Books”). Lunyu has been translated into English as The Analects of Confucius.

      Lunyu is considered by scholars to be the most reliable source of the doctrine of the ancient sage Confucius (551479 BC) and is usually the first Confucian text studied in schools. It covers almost all the basic ethical concepts of Confuciuse.g., ren (“benevolence”), junzi (“the superior man”), tian (“heaven”), zhongyong (“doctrine of the mean”), li (“proper conduct”), and zhengming (“adjustment to names”). The last inculcates the notion that all phases of a person's conduct should correspond to the true significance ofnames”—e.g., marriage should be true marriage, not concubinage.

      Among many direct quotations attributed to Confucius is one explaining filial piety ( xiao). If xiao means nothing more than providing for parents, said Confucius, even dogs and horses do that; xiao does not exist without genuine respect for parents. Lunyu also contains homely glimpses of Confucius as recorded by his disciples.

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Universalium. 2010.

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