
Legendary first emperor of Japan and founder of the imperial dynasty.

He is credited with establishing his state in 660 BC on the plains of Yamato. (An actual state on the Yamato plains dates from the 3rd century AD.) Jimmu was believed to be a descendant of Ninigi, who was in turn the grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu.

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legendary emperor of Japan
in full  Jimmu Tennō,  original name  Kow-yamato-iware-hiko No Mikoto,  

      legendary first emperor of Japan and founder of the imperial dynasty.

      Japanese chronicles record Jimmu's expedition eastward from Hyuga in 607 BC along Japan's Inland Sea, subduing tribes as he went and ending in Yamato, where he established his centre of power. Although modern historians do not accept such details as a 7th century BC date, preferring a date in the Early Christian era, they affirm the tradition of an aggressive movement of peoples from the west.

      Jimmu Tennō (the posthumous reign name by which he is generally known) is said to have been a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu through her celestial grandson Ninigi, whom she sent down to govern earth, and he married a descendant of the storm god Susanoo. Despite Jimmu's importance as a link between the ruling family of Japan and the divine ancestors, he has never had much of a cult following in Japan. A Shintō shrine was erected by the Japanese government in 1890 at the site of what is believed to be his burial place at Unebi.

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