Ibn Isḥāq

Ibn Isḥāq
in full Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq ibn Yasār ibn Khiyār

born с 704, Medina, Arabia
died 767, Baghdad

Arab biographer of Muhammad.

His father and two uncles collected and transmitted information about Muhammad in Medina, and Ibn Isḥāq soon became an authority on the Prophet's military campaigns (maghāzī). He studied in Alexandria and subsequently moved to Iraq, where he met many people who provided him with information for his biography, which became the most popular biography of Muhammad in the Muslim world but which survives only in the recension by Ibn Hishām.

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Arab author
in full Muḥammad Ibn Isḥāq Ibn Yasār Ibn Khiyār
born c. 704, , Medina, Arabia
died 767, Baghdad

      Arab biographer of the Prophet Muḥammad (Muhammad) whose book, in a recension by Ibn Hishām, is one of the most important sources on the Prophet's life.

      Ibn Isḥāq was the grandson of an Arab prisoner captured by Muslim troops in Iraq and brought to Medina, where he was freed after accepting Islām. Ibn Isḥāq's father and two uncles collected and transmitted information about the Prophet in Medina, and Ibn Isḥāq soon became an authority on the Prophet's campaigns.

      He studied in Alexandria and subsequently moved to Iraq, where he lived in the Jazīrah and Ḥīrah regions, and finally in Baghdad. Informants met on these travels furnished him with much of the information for his Sīrah, or life, of Muḥammad. Ibn Hishām, who died some 60 years after Ibn Isḥāq, made the revision through which it is known today (complete Eng. trans. by A. Guillaume, The Life of Muḥammad, 1955, and partial trans. by Edward Rehatsek as edited by Michael Edwardes, The Life of Muhammad Apostle of Allah, 1964). This extensive biography covers Muḥammad's genealogy and birth, the beginning of his mission and of the revelation of the Qurʾān, his migration to Medina and campaigns of conquest, and concludes with his death. Citations from the Sīrah also appear in the works of Arabic historians such as aṭ-Ṭabarī.

      Ibn Isḥāq was criticized by some Muslim scholars, including the theologian and jurist Mālik ibn Anas. Ibn Ḥanbal accepted Ibn Isḥāq as an authority for the campaigns but not for traditions about the Prophet having legal force, on the grounds that he was not always exact enough in naming his authorities.

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