Pamlico Sound

Pamlico Sound
/pam"li koh'/
a sound between the North Carolina mainland and coastal islands.

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Shallow body of water, eastern shore of North Carolina, U.S. It is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by the Outer Banks.

It extends 80 mi (130 km) south from Roanoke Island and is 830 mi (1348 km) wide. Numerous waterfowl nest along the coastal waters; there is some commercial fishing, especially for oysters.

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      shallow body of water along the eastern shore of North Carolina, U.S. The largest sound on the East Coast, it is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by narrow barrier islands (the Outer Banks), of which Cape Hatteras (Hatteras, Cape) is the southeasternmost point. Pamlico Sound extends south and then southwestward some 80 miles (130 km) from Roanoke Island to Cedar Island and is about 1530 miles (2550 km) wide; its greatest depths reach 26 feet (8 metres). It receives the Tar-Pamlico and Neuse (Neuse River)-Trent (Trent, River) rivers from the west, while the main inlets from the ocean are Ocracoke and Hatteras. It is connected at the north with Albemarle Sound through Roanoke and Croatan sounds. Numerous swans, geese, and ducks nest along the coastal waters, and there is some commercial and recreational fishing, notably for blue crabs and oysters. The name is derived from that of the Pamlico Indians.

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Universalium. 2010.

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