Gustav I Vasa

Gustav I Vasa
orig. Gustav Eriksson Vasa

born May 12, 1496?
died Sept. 29, 1560, Stockholm, Swed.

King of Sweden (152360) and founder of the Vasa dynasty.

The son of a Swedish senator, Gustav joined the rebellion against Christian II of Denmark, who controlled most of Sweden. He became leader of the rebels (1520) and secured crucial aid from the rich free city of Lübeck. This aid enabled Gustav to establish Sweden's independence, and in 1523 he was elected king. Gustav imposed heavy taxes to pay his debts to Lübeck and to strengthen royal authority and lands. He hoped to seize the Roman Catholic church's wealth, and he pushed Sweden toward becoming a Protestant (Lutheran) country. An autocratic ruler, he built a strong monarchy and an efficient administration.

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king of Sweden
original name  Gustav Eriksson Vasa  
born May 12, 1496?
died Sept. 29, 1560, Stockholm, Sweden
 king of Sweden (152360), founder of the Vasa ruling line, who established Swedish sovereignty independent of Denmark.

Early life.
      Gustav was the son of a Swedish senator and of a noble family whose members had played a prominent part in the factious aristocratic politics of 15th-century Scandinavia. His family was also connected by marriage with the family of Sture, which had supplied Sweden with three regents. Gustav fought in the army of Sten Sture (Sture, Sten, The Younger) the Younger against Christian II of Denmark in 151718 and was one of the hostages sent by Sten to Christian in 1518 as part of the terms of an armistice. Christian violated the agreement and carried Gustav off to Denmark. In 1519 Gustav fled from his captivity to Lübeck, Ger., where he made friends who were to be of great importance later. On May 31, 1520, he returned to Sweden. Sten Sture had meanwhile died of wounds, and Christian was master of almost all Sweden save Stockholm. In November, by theStockholm bloodbath,” Christian removed the most dangerous of his opponents, including Gustav's father and two of his uncles.

      Faced with the alternatives of rebellion or flight, Gustav chose the former. He succeeded in rousing the midland province of Dalarna to resist, purchased by judicious concessions the support of lay and ecclesiastical magnates to whom a union of the three Scandinavian kingdoms under Christian had become unwelcome, and was able (since Sten Sture's son was a mere boy) to pass as leader of the surviving Sture party. A considerable body of folk legend deals with his real and supposed adventures at this period. For the eviction of the Danes, as he soon found, outside help was necessary; and he obtained it from the rich free city of Lübeck, whose merchants felt themselves threatened by Christian's aggressive economic policies. This aid enabled Gustav to establish Sweden's independence and may have been responsible for his election as king (June 6, 1523). In return for it, Lübeck extorted far-reaching commercial privileges, and it was to be one of Gustav's main concerns to emancipate his country from its dependence on his former backers.

      Gustav's crown continued for some years to be precarious. Christian II had been driven out of Denmark by his uncle, who succeeded him as Frederick I, and a common fear of Christian's restoration soon drew Frederick and Gustav together, so that despite recurrent periods of tension the threat from Christian, and afterward from his heirs, enforced a measure of harmony between Sweden and Denmark. But Gustav had to face serious internal dangers: from aggrieved members of the old Sture party who resented his favour to some of their former enemies; from the men of Dalarna, who added to this grievance complaints on economic and religious grounds; and from great nobles, who found Gustav a more formidable ruler than they had expected. Indeed, Gustav proved to be a harsh master and an exigent lord; he became known for being suspicious, mendacious, cruel, vengeful, demagogic, and capricious; and, to his enemies, he seemed to have most of the attributes of a tyrant.

      The need to pay his debts to Lübeck and to strengthen the royal authority forced Gustav to impose heavy taxes, and it was essentially with a view to tapping the Roman Catholic church's wealth that he embarked on the measures that led to the Reformation in Sweden. The Diet at Västerås in 1527 put the church's property at his mercy. Gustav had few theological interests or preferences, but he resented the presence in Sweden of any authority that challenged his own, and he had some sympathy with the idea of religious services in Swedish, for he was an indifferent Latinist himself. The move toward Lutheranism, however, was both accelerated and retarded by purely political considerations. Sweden did not become irrevocably a Lutheran country until 1544 at the earliest, and it was a long time before Protestantism was popular outside Stockholm.

      The last great revolt of the reign, in 154243, had a strong anti-Protestant strain. Gustav's vain attempts to become a member of the Schmalkaldic League, formed by the German Protestants, were dictated by a desire to provide himself with allies rather than by religious convictions. In foreign policy, indeed, he inclined always to caution and a husbanding of resources. If he intervened in the so-called Count's War between pretenders to the Danish crown (153436), it was because he saw at last a chance of liberating Sweden from Lübeck's tutelage, and his only other adventure was the later war with Muscovy (155557).

      Gustav's greatest achievement was the creation of a strong monarchy. He based his power on a massive agglomeration of crown and family lands, acquired for the most part by confiscation from the church, which put him beyond the rivalry of any other noble house. The supervision and exploitation of these lands was his personal concern, and with it went an infinite solicitude for the least detail of fiscal policy. In the 1540s, owing to a lack of trained Swedes, he imported German administrators. This was a brief episode, but their work had a lasting effect in Sweden. It enabled Gustav to maintain his personal supervision and to combine it with high efficiency.

      As the political heir of a faction, he found it expedient to bribe his nobility with church lands, and he was successful in many policies that the Stures had only attempted. In 1544, for instance, he induced the Diet to declare the monarchy hereditary rather than elective. He summoned the estates frequently in the uncertain years at the beginning of his reign, though less often thereafter, and his use of them to endorse his policies undoubtedly aided their development as an effective parliamentary body. On the other hand, he reduced to a position of relative insignificance the aristocratic council of state, which had played the leading part in the constitutional struggles of the preceding century.

      Gustav was a harsh sovereign whose suspiciousness, irritability, and violence drove a succession of faithful servants into embittered exile. Nevertheless he was one of the great rulers of his age, being both shrewd and tireless in his concern for his country. He made Sweden an independent state and gave his country, for the first time in a century, nearly 40 years of stable and intelligent government. He ensured the triumph of Lutheranism, established the first truly national standing army of modern times, and founded the Swedish navy. With his first wife, Catherine of Saxe-Lauenberg, he had one son, who succeeded him as Erik XIV.

Additional Reading
Studies include Ingrid Hammarström, Finansförvaltning och varuhandel, 15041540: Studier i de yngre Sturarnas och Gustav Vasas statshushållning (1956), an epoch-making study of how a rustic society achieved military and political prominence; Sven Lundkvisi, Gustav Vasa och Europe: Svensk handels- och utrikespolitik, 15341557 (1960), a reliable work; and Ingvar Andersson, A History of Sweden (1956), ch. 1314.

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Universalium. 2010.

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