
in full Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus

born , near Serdica, Thrace
died 311

Roman emperor (305311) notorious for his persecution of Christians.

As caesar and a victorious commander, he apparently induced Diocletian to begin the persecutions. In 305 Galerius became augustus (senior emperor) of the East and briefly made himself supreme ruler. He imposed a harsh poll tax on the urban population and kept up the ruthless persecution of Christians. He fell ill in 311; fearing the Christian God was taking vengeance, he issued an edict of tolerance.

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Roman emperor
in full  Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus  
born , near Serdica, Thrace [now Sofia, Bulg.]
died 311
 Roman emperor from 305 to 311, notorious for his persecution of Christians (Christianity).

      Galerius was born of humble parentage and had a distinguished military career. On March 1, 293, he was nominated as caesar by the emperor Diocletian, who governed the Eastern part of the empire. Galerius divorced his wife and married Diocletian's daughter, Valeria. After ruling from Egypt from 293 to 295, Galerius assumed command of defensive operations against the Sāsānians in 297. After being defeated, he then won a decisive victory that increased his influence with Diocletian. Galerius next proceeded to the Balkans and won numerous victories in the region. A staunch pagan, he persuaded the emperor to initiate the persecution of the Christians at Nicomedia in 303.

      When Diocletian abdicated on May 1, 305, Galerius became augustus (senior emperor) of the East, ruling the Balkans and Anatolia. Technically he was subordinate to the Western ruler, Constantius Chlorus. But since Galerius had arranged the appointment of two of his favourites, Maximinus (Maximinus, Galerius Valerius) (his nephew) and Flavius Valerius Severus (Severus), to be caesars in both East and West, he was in effect the supreme ruler. When Constantius Chlorus died in 306, Galerius insisted that Severus govern the West as augustus, but he grudgingly conceded the subordinate title of caesar to Chlorus's son, Constantine, who was (correctly) suspected of Christian sympathies. Galerius's supremacy was, however, short-lived. Severus was soon overthrown (306) and killed by Maxentius (son of the former emperor Maximian). Galerius invaded Italy but was forced to retreat. In 308 he induced Diocletian and Maximian to meet him at Carnuntum on the Danube and to declare Maxentius a usurper. On November 11, Galerius proclaimed as augustus of the West his friend Licinius, who had effective control only in the region of the Danube.

      A ruthless ruler, Galerius imposed the poll tax on the urban population and maintained the persecution of the Christians. In the winter of 310311, however, he became incapacitated with a painful disease. Fearing, perhaps, that his illness was the vengeance of the Christian God, he issued on April 30, 311, an edict grudgingly granting toleration. Shortly afterward he died. He was succeeded by his nephew Maximinus Daia.

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